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Welcome to Booko!

Booko is a site with a very simple goal - to find the cheapest place to buy books & DVDs. This site started out as a way to scratch an itch and has slowly grown into a very handy site, slowly adding more shops for comparison and more features to make it easier to use. You can read more about Booko at the Blogo.

What does it do?

Booko is not an online shop. It goes out to the Internet and looks up book & DVD prices for you and figures out the shipping costs. For the international sites like the Amazons (.com and, the prices are converted into your local currency.

How do I use it?

  1. Find the book or DVD you're looking for. Use the search area above.
  2. When the search results arrive, click on the title that you're looking for. That will tell Booko to head out into the internet and start asking questions. You'll see the answers arrive as Booko gets them from online shops. If someone else has already checked the prices for that product, the results will be instantaneous. Check the date the prices were found at the top of the page and click "Update prices now" at the bottom of the page if the date is older than you're happy with.
  3. When you click on the shop name you'll be taken to their website. Usually you'll be taken to the shop's page for the product you're looking at. Some shops don't have links to specific products - in which case you'll simply be taken to their front door.

What's the "Add to List" button for?

There are almost as many ways to calculate shipping as there are shops. (Well, not quite.) The list will cleverly calculate the shipping for all the products in your list, but only at the shops which stock all the products you added to your list. Clicking on the link for the shop will add those products to that shop's cart - provided the shop supports that feature. Otherwise, it'll just take you to their front door. There's not much we can do about that until online shops get more sophisticated. Sometimes it's easier to just open a bunch of windows or tabs for each of the products in your list.

Do you make money out of this?

We collect referrer fees from many of the sites if you follow a link from Booko to their shops, then actually buy something. This doesn't affect the results of the searches.


There is no guarantee that the prices or data shown (for books, DVDs or delivery) are accurate or fit for any purpose whatsoever. Always check the prices and DVD regions before making any purchase. Inclusion of a site in the list of results does not indicate an endorsement of the site. If you find any errors or omissions, please email them in.