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Announcing the Finalists for the 2017 Martin Ennals Award

FreeThe5KH, Karla Avelar and Mohamed Zaree have just been named finalists for this year’s Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders. The global prize for human rights defenders, the Martin Ennals Award is a unique collaboration among ten of the world’s leading human rights organisations to draw international attention to defenders, who put themselves at […]

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Community-sourced recommendations on sustaining open source products

Most of the technological aspirations and objectives that we pursue in the human rights and internet freedom communities–transparency, security, openness for modification/adaptation to different contexts, etc.– are necessarily based on Free and Open-source Software (FOSS). However, launching a successful FOSS project can present significant challenges. This March at the Internet Freedom Festival (IFF) in Valencia, […]

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Source: Steven Depolo

Applying machine learning to detect judicial bias in the Pacific Islands

Language is a beautiful way of communication that provides us with infinite ways to express ourselves. However, understanding language requires a complex combination of grammatical, contextual as well as cultural knowledge. Once this skill is developed, we naturally comprehend the meaning of spoken and written language. This results in the ability to quickly scan through […]

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Community Discussion: Holistic security in practice

Summary and recording available! Human rights work is a fulfilling and rewarding vocation. But it can also be frustrating, exhausting, and risky. We know that it is important to think about psycho-social well-being, organizational security, legal and digital security, yet we struggle to put these concepts into practice. Digital or physical security cannot be addressed […]

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Join us at RightsCon to discuss machine learning for human rights

We’re excited to have another demo slot at RightsCon this year! We’ll be sharing our work using machine learning to help human rights advocates sift through large document collections to find the “needles in the haystack”. We believe that the application of machine learning to Uwazi-hosted document collections could help litigators find the right legal […]

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Source: IFF blog

Join us at IFF to discuss how to sustain open source products

We’re excited for another week of knowledge-exchange at the Internet Freedom Festival in Valencia (March 6-10)! We’re especially looking forward to talking to other open source developers about how we can ensure the sustainability of open source products. Most of the tech aspirations and objectives we pursue in the human rights and internet freedom communities […]

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Friedhelm Weinberg, our new Executive Director

Announcing HURIDOCS new Executive Director

HURIDOCS is pleased to announce the appointment of Friedhelm Weinberg as Executive Director. He will begin his new role immediately, having previously served as Interim Director. After the Board’s extensive search, Gisella Reina, Chair of the HURIDOCS Board said of the appointment: HURIDOCS has a young and energetic director that listens and leads. His experience […]

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HURIDOCS seeking a Communications Intern to help share our knowledge

HURIDOCS (Human Rights Information and Documentation Systems, International) is seeking a Communications Intern to start 1 May 2017. This internship can work from our office in Geneva, or remotely online from anywhere. The Communications Intern will work remotely with the Community Knowledge Manager, as well as other team members to perform the duties listed below. […]

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Professor Hans Rosling visited the Swedish pavilion on Monday, May 31. By: Tobias Andersson Åkerblom

Remembering Hans Rösling, a visionary and educator of data visualization

We are saddened to hear about the passing away of Hans Rösling, a visionary and educator who made substantial contributions to the visualisation of data by advocating open data and illustrating trends which challenged many prejudices. He was an impressive keynote speaker at the 30th meeting of the European Coordination Committee on Human Rights Documentation […]

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HURIDOCS seeking Fundraising and Communications Officer: Job description and requirements

Please note that the opening is now closed and applications are no longer accepted. HURIDOCS is seeking an outgoing, self-starting, experienced Fundraising and Communications Officer to join our diverse global team. In addition to having an excellent fundraising record, candidates should be passionate about human rights and have a working knowledge of current information and […]

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An image of the historic archive of Guatemala's National Police. Photo by Tamy Guberek and Ann Harrison. Source: <a href="">HRDAG website</a>, and used with permission from HRDAG.

Community Discussion: Best practices for digitising documents

Summary and recordings available! If you have physical documents related to your human rights work that you want to preserve, protect, or share with others, then learning good digitisation practices is vital. Why digitise? Digitising your documents greatly improves access to your information, whether you are building an online public library to share documents related […]

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Casebox Namati webinar

Webinar on Casebox for the Namati Legal Empowerment Network

On Thursday, January 26, we had the opportunity to showcase Casebox for our friends at the Namati Legal Empowerment Network, a global network of legal practitioners. The recording of that webinar is embedded below. Back in May of 2016, we noticed a discussion thread on the Namati community discussion platform in which members were sharing […]

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Image borrowed from FabRider, curator of the @FriDiscoBackup feed on Twitter

#FridayDiscoBackup and other pro backup tips

We recently learned of a human rights organization that had their offices broken into and their computers stolen. Sadly, this is nothing new. Human rights groups are often targeted for the important information they have (evidence of abuse, documentation on corruption, witness testimonies, etc). In this case, however, the organization took all the right steps […]

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Monitoring economic, social and cultural rights: Resources for practitioners

Often, when people hear “human rights documentation” they think of the practice of collecting, recording and documenting human rights violations. This “event” method of documentation is important for various reasons, including judicial, historical, educational or archiving. It is the method that is used most frequently by most human rights groups. But there is another, complementary […]

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Community Discussion: Managing human rights contacts

Summary now available! From mobilising supporters, to organising interviews, to fundraising, to persuading decision-makers, relationships are at the heart of human rights work. This is why it’s so important to have a system to document and manage these relationships. There are many Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) systems out there to help manage this information, but […]

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Digitization Project at Radio Mogadishu, Somalia. Source: <a href =""> United Nations Photo</a>

Basic Principles on the Role of Archivists and Records Managers in Support of Human Rights

Those who are managing human rights archives and records now have a new set of principles and duties to further professionalize, support, and protect their work. The “Basic Principles on the Role of Archivists and Records Managers in Support of Human Rights” have been developed by the Human Rights Working Group of the International Council […]

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Image source: Marino González

How to digitise your human rights document archive

It’s easy to de-prioritize dealing with that room full of paper that has accumulated over the years – the many reports, letters, books, press clippings, images, etc. But there are some important reasons why it’s worth giving some attention to your paper-based archive. This article explains the importance of digitising human rights archives, and will […]

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Ilham Tohti Selected As Martin Ennals Award Laureate

Ilham Tohti was selected by a jury of 10 global Human Rights organizations as the laureate of the 2016 Martin Ennals Award. The Award is given to Human Rights Defenders who have shown deep commitment and face great personal risk. The aim of the award is to provide protection through international recognition. Strongly supported by the […]

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Call for Nominations – 2017 Martin Ennals Award

The Martin Ennals Foundation has called for nominations for the 2017 Martin Ennals Award, an annual prize for human rights defenders. The goal of the award is to recognise the work of courageous human rights defenders, and provide protection when they are at risk. HURIDOCS is one of the ten organisations forming the jury. Deadline: […]

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Retaining your ability to fight nefarious lawsuits through smart data retention

This article is cross-posted from the engine room blog. It was originally published in September 2015 and written by Kristin Antin. Keeping data after projects end often involves spending time and effort to comply with legal requirements and archiving rules. Why does it matter? Imagine this scenario: A human rights organization is collecting information about […]

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