Video Guides

The following video guides serve as tutorials on how to navigate the basic components of the database software. Mastering these features will allow you to get the most from OpenEvsys. (more…)

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HURIDOCS provided us with their WinEvsys and OpenEvsys (online) databases, and we worked with them to localize these for use in Cambodia. We’ve trained trade unions, human rights NGOs and activists on using them. Working with HURIDOCS, we are revolutionizing the way human rights violations are monitored and documented in Cambodia, and instilling a collaborative approach to promoting and protecting human rights. Thank you HURIDOCS!
“Aiming to establish the grounds for transitional justice mechanisms and thereby contribute to the democratisation and social peace in Turkey, Truth, Justice and Memory Center is currently focusing on documentation, memorialisation and litigation of enforced disappearance cases that took place mostly during 1990s. The aim is to collect, verify and standardise data both for memorialisation of the victims and to urge for justice by monitoring legal proceedings, (more…)

OpenEvsys - a powerful tool for documenting human rights violations

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