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NT flood threat

Ben Domensino, Monday July 10, 2017 - 11:22 EST

Parts of Australia's interior are on flood watch today following four month's worth of rain 24 hours.

A could band being produced by an upper-level trough and tropical moisture is causing the unseasonable rain today.

The heaviest falls so far have occurred in the Northern Territory's Barkly District, where Jervois recorded 53mm during the 24 hours to 9am today. This is four times the monthly average at this time of year and the heaviest July rain since 2010.

A flood watch has been issued for the Territory's Eastern Inland Rivers, where stream rises may occur early this week as a result of the heavy rain.

Drier weather will return later today as the upper trough moves further east. However, due to the heavy rain, some roads may become impassable in the Southern Barkly and northern Simpson Districts in coming day, possibly cutting off communities in the region.

The latest flood advisories are available at: http://www.weatherzone.com.au/warnings.jsp

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