Jeers to the new Masonic Building addition. How did this box on top of this historic, beautiful building even pass the city of Nampa Downtown Historic Sub-District design guidelines?! All of a sudden, the scaffold was down and brown paint was up. Where are the bricks? We are excited for Bric…

Jeers to whoever is responsible for keeping foliage trimmed away from street name signs, traffic and stop signs. Trees, plants, shrubs and flowers are very beautiful and, being a gardener myself, it’s so enjoyable to see all the time and care put into all the lawns and gardens I pass in my t…

Cheers to the trash pick-up and disposal companies such as Republic Services, Allied Waist, BFI and all other companies and businesses who value their customers, clients and members enough to leave information on their phone systems letting callers know of normal daily business hours as well…

Jeers to the person who was texting, which is called inattentive driving, by the way, who ran into the tattoo shop on 12th Avenue Road South. You took out about half the building that was shared with another business. Luckily, there were no people working that you could have taken out with t…

Cheers to the Idaho Press-Tribune for reporting the real facts rather than the “alternate facts.” Some people do not seem to be able to accept the truth when it differs from what they want to believe. Truth is truth and it cannot be altered. The Associated Press prints truth, and I appreciat…

Jeers to the Caldwell High School sports department for hiring coaches that use their authority to harass and bully the students. Parents are made to feel like they have their hands tied unable to discuss any issue with them or the director. Even when you follow the steps put in place by the…

Cheers: Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge would like to thank all the volunteers that participated in our Earth Day Work Day event on Saturday, April 22. More than 100 people spent the very windy morning picking up litter, sprucing up the wildlife-friendly landscape at the Refuge Visitor Ce…

Cheers to the Idaho Press-Tribune, the Idaho Statesman, American Classifieds, all public and private libraries, book publishers, sellers and stores and all other newspapers, magazines and informational sources! With the technology in today’s world, everything is turning to computers, cell ph…

Jeers, I say to those who continue to text and drive. Be warned. Just to let you know, we are out there watching and taking notes, writing down license plate numbers along with the make, model and color of your vehicle. It is illegal to text and drive! Do you have a death wish or what? Soone…

Cheers to for the wonderful article on Trini Moad. Yeah Trini! A wonderful person, nurse and friend! The medical community could use more people with Trini’s compassion and integrity! Congratulations.

Cheers: Late at night on Feb. 21, we were driving from Boise to Nampa when we got a flat tire on Interstate 84. The Idaho State Police pulled over and switched our tire out with the donut. A second cheer: On a recent Saturday, someone paid our bill at Costco because they had held up the line.

Cheers to America because we are a country of diversity because if you look at all wars and those who have joined and fought are from different backgrounds and religion and race, but we all need not judge because strength is in the people. Cheers to those who pick the fruit and work the fiel…

Cheers: A big cheers for Dennis and Mesha at Cafferty’s Cyclery in Nampa. When something was obviously broken on my bicycle, I took it in for repairs. Long story short, it turns out that the frame had actually broken. Cafferty’s could have told me I needed a new bike, but instead they were h…

Cheers to the Canyon County Historical Society volunteers and especially Wendy Miller for providing the wonderful vintage clothing for Saturday’s “Somewhere In Time” tea and fundraiser for the Canyon County Historical Society. Thanks also to the attendees for their support with the silent au…


You may mail, fax or e-mail your letter to the editor, but letters must include your full name (no initials), home address and daytime and evening telephone numbers for verification. If you have questions regarding your letter, please call (208) 465-8115 or click the button to email us.

Jeers to whoever is in charge of picking up roadside debris along 12th Avenue South/Highway 45. It is embarrassing. It seems to be debris dropping off trucks/trailers on the way to the dump that are supposed to be covered. Why can’t the jail prisoners do this work?

Cheers to history because we can learn from it yet we keep making the same mistakes because we don’t listen nor learn so we are doomed to repeat the past. Cheers to the Constitution and Bill of Rights and yet it is being infringed upon because ignorance chooses to ignore the truth and facts …

Cheers to two lovely ladies at Cafe de Coco. On Wednesday, Feb. 8, my friend and I enjoyed lunch at our favorite cafe. When we asked for our ticket, our server told us our lunch was already paid by the ladies nearby. What a nice surprise! Thank you so much! You made our day, and we will cert…

Cheers to the guys of Republic Trash and Recycling. I know you guys do the best you can in these conditions. Work long hours in this freezing weather. You do all you can to try and get people’s garbage. It’s sad that people just want to complain instead of doing what they can so you can get …

Jeers: I would like to send out a hearty jeers and thank you to the city sanitation company. Thank you for not dumping our garbage for nearly a month now. When do you expect to give it a try? The garbage is stacking up. Soon the rats will appear. The squirrels and cats already love it. I am …

Cheers: The Midland Boulevard/Greenhurst Road corner is a tough one to navigate when it’s slick. Cheers to all the people who so willingly jump out of their vehicles to help push vehicles through that intersection. Cheers to the line of cars that wait patiently until we can all get moving ag…

Cheers to Les Schwab on 12th Avenue in Nampa. This has been a rough season on vehicles due to the snow and ice. I have had many of our family vehicles into Les Schwab over the past few weeks. Each time, they have been extremely busy meeting the transportation needs in Nampa. The attitude of …

Editor’s Note: We continue to receive an extraordinary number of cheers and jeers. Let’s keep it going.

Jeers: Our children are now being deprived education due to Bob Henry’s zero response to keeping the roads in Nampa plowed and sanded. Several people have been complaining, and you are doing nothing to improve the situation! Get off your duff and do something already! Your leadership for the…

Cheers to Kindness Small Animal Medical Center. Dr. Maendl is an extraordinary vet. Our little Pom has had many health issues, and he pulled him through the life-threatening issues with such care and concern. His staff is just as caring as he is. They treat our little ones like they are thei…

Editor’s Note: We have received so many Cheers and Jeers submissions over the past couple of weeks that we are taking up the entire Opinion page this week. You can find Judy Ferro and Wayne Hoffman’s columns in Wednesday’s issue of the Idaho Press-Tribune.

Cheers: Very big cheers to Mady and especially Toni and Paul from Animals in Distress for their advice and guidance. I am very grateful that they made themselves available on a Sunday, when I was at a loss as what to do. While moving some dirt on our property 6 very tiny baby rabbits less th…

Cheers to the wonderful people who supported the Christmas book sale put on by the Friends of the Nampa Public Library! Because of your patronage, we had a banner day. It’s because of you that we are able to support wonderful programs at the library. Thank you. We wish you all a very Merry C…

Cheers to the sand and gravel trucks that routinely stop for pedestrians at the crossing at Middleton Road and Boise Avenue in Middleton (Lurre, Nampa Sand and Gravel, Low’s and IMC to name a few). Jeers to the passenger cars that don’t even slow down.

Cheers to our volunteer firefighters in my hometown of Marsing. The siren goes off at all times of the day and night, and I always feel sorry for those who have to get out of bed or leave work and go do their good deed. Cheers to them all.

Cheers to the Subway restaurant on Garrity Boulevard for returning my long-lost purse that had been missing for five days. I can’t tell you if it was the manager or employees, but thank you for your honesty and integrity. I’m awfully grateful for it.

Jeers to the Canyon County Elections for not having enough people to process voters in precincts with a higher population volume. Only three check-in lines and one drop-off point is frustrating, especially when I will have been here two hours by the time I get to vote and leave. You were awa…

Cheers: To all who miss the postal service at Paul’s, there is a UPS store at 1123 12th Ave. Road in Nampa. It is across from Sonic. They are very courteous and easy to get to.

Cheers: Bravo to John Cantlon, director of the Nampa Civic Center, for putting on “A Night to Remember” held on Oct. 22 honoring Sean Rogers, pianist/organist/composer and many other artists. The night included performances in the newly named Brandt Auditorium, hors d’oeuvres, a beautiful bu…

Jeers: Can someone please explain to me why the TV morning news from 5 — 7 a.m. does the weather segment every three minutes or so? Maybe the station is afraid that someone will miss the weather report so they just keep having report after report. I understand if we are being threatened by s…

Cheers: I just want to express how much I love the new Nampa library. I also love the parking garage right next to it. I was highly skeptical about the parking garage in the beginning, but I just love it. The first hour is free then it is only $1 an hour after that time. The library is spaci…

Cheers: We want to send a big cheers to the Nampa Highway District for coming to fix some erosion on East Flamingo. There was an area that the pavement was too close to the deep ditch. Happy to have it fixed before we get some rain. Might mention that I called and left a message about this a…

Jeers: We think the potholes are bad at the post office downtown? How about the three nasty railroad train crossings on 11th Avenue North. This route has much traffic from folks coming and going to work. The track crossings are in need of major repair. Who is responsible for that?

Jeers to the horrible potholes in the Nampa Post Office parking lot! Take a clue: There is repaving going on everywhere.

Jeers to the low-lifes that cruise our streets under the cover of darkness and dispose of their refuse wherever they please, because they are too simple-minded to navigate to a single garbage can. Daily, I see discarded needles, condoms, empty Dr. Pepper cans, empty water bottles, empty Bud …

Jeers to the users/abusers of our public lands, specifically at the Lake Lowell Lower Dam area. I kept seeing all the trash along the lower dam road, so I took trash bags and gloves out with me this morning to pick up what I could. It just boggles my mind how recreational users can use yet a…

Jeers, and I do mean jeers, to fast food and other restaurants where cashiers handle the food before washing their hands nor covered in plastic gloves. And the food handlers handle the money. In one particular fast food restaurant, the ice is immediately beside the cash machine. I don’t know…

Cheers to Facebook for allowing me to like my own comments and posts! I relly like this Cheers, by the way.

Cheers to Elizabeth Thomas and her Front Porch articles about our community. Her chatty style of writing is fun to read. She is an asset to the newspaper.

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