Modernizing a Stagnant Toolbox

Accepted Session
Short Form
Scheduled: Thursday, June 26, 2014 from 11:00 – 11:45am in B302/303


WordPress turned 10 years old in May of 2013. On that day, the main repo didn't contain a single tool to make it easier for developers to work with and contribute code. Over the last year, this is how and why we changed all that.


WordPress powers over 20% of the web, yet until recently it’s toolbox and build process would be considered antique at best. Over the last year, we have updated our tooling and testing to first class citizens. Many of the pieces were taken off the shelf, a few where custom built, and some required large coordinated efforts to be successfully implemented. We’ve learned some valuable lessons along the way that may help other open source projects modernize their tool chest.


wordpress, Grunt, Build Tools, Process

Speaking experience

I've spoken at about 30 events including guest lecturing at two universities and conferences in thirteen cities. A full list of events is at
