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Voter Suppression - May 2017

#unhackthevote, #Gerrymandering, #CripTheVote

Why did many States not want the help of DHS? Because they don't want their Machines Secured. They want to win Elections.

14 réponses 401 Retweets 509 j'aime

Boom! This from a Poll Judge in Texas. Just came in to us today. Please read. This is just crazy.

325 réponses 4 915 Retweets 4 179 j'aime

Kris Kobach, vice chair of "Election Integrity" commission, has been sued by the ACLU for voter suppression 4 times. Our record is 4-0.

582 réponses 16 640 Retweets 18 840 j'aime

Trump ‘election integrity’ commission w/ Kris Kobach as vice chair will lay groundwork for massive voter suppression

35 réponses 476 Retweets 372 j'aime

Trump, Pence and Kobach set up New Voting Commission to Assault Voting Rights. Flow Join Retweet

38 réponses 946 Retweets 614 j'aime
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5. States with highest Black vote drop (MI, WI, OH, NC) had biggest vote list purges and new ID laws. It’s not "turn-out," it’s Jim Crow.

161 réponses 7 682 Retweets 6 849 j'aime

1. WaPo says won because "fewer blacks voted." They left out that Black folk TRIED to vote and were blocked

578 réponses 10 124 Retweets 11 499 j'aime

"Republicans behave as if they do not expect the 2018 elections to be free and fair"

Reupping this thread on voter suppression for all the white male journos claiming it doesn't exist

40 réponses 1 237 Retweets 1 695 j'aime
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Voter suppression was *already* a problem. Now we have a white supremacist admin and an AG with one of the worst civil rights records ever.

15 réponses 394 Retweets 898 j'aime
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Nothing screams willfully ignorant white privilege like smugly laughing off systemic voter suppression as a loopy conspiracy theory.

6 réponses 189 Retweets 471 j'aime
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Bill is devastating in own right, but also ominous. You don't pass something this unpopular thinking there will be free and fair elections.

264 réponses 4 206 Retweets 5 360 j'aime
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When you flaunt disregard for public will this blatantly, you're assuming public will is irrelevant. You have a lock through corruption.

65 réponses 1 604 Retweets 2 429 j'aime

The don't care about a voter reaction. Like all good authoritarians, they choose the voters, not the reverse.

20 réponses 546 Retweets 824 j'aime

Listen to - the AHCA, voter suppression, pumped up DOJ/CBP/ICE are not isolated. Fight back *now*.

5 réponses 188 Retweets 225 j'aime

My representative felt totally safe voting in favor of AHCA because of the ridiculous that makes his district.

1 Retweet 2 j'aime

MT 100s of disabled voters using absentee ballots had ballots rejected over handwriting via

1 réponse 89 Retweets 38 j'aime

Let us count the ways disabled people r prevented from voting. Here is an example of one way we're kept from voting:

10 Retweets 20 j'aime

Kobach's sweeping search for Voter fraud turned up 9 people. 6 GOP! Now he is on a nationwide search

147 réponses 2 451 Retweets 2 318 j'aime

Huge victory for North Carolina black voters: SCOTUS strikes down two GOP-gerrymandered districts. & his legal team fought &won

274 réponses 6 228 Retweets 14 981 j'aime

Those illegal voters Kobach found? Total=9, 6 were Republicans. He disenfranchised 20,000+ LEGAL voters to do it.

30 réponses 1 795 Retweets 1 366 j'aime

Hasen explains why this is so huge: the ruling paves the way for treating race and party as interchangeable in the American South.

14 réponses 539 Retweets 948 j'aime

The North Carolina gerrymandering ruling by is actually huge. Way huger than it looks at first. Let me explain.

68 réponses 2 054 Retweets 3 902 j'aime

this story makes a nice response to the "what's so hard about ID" crowd

56 réponses 2 497 Retweets 3 016 j'aime
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This map was arguably the single most aggressive congressional gerrymander in modern history. GOP won 10 of 13 seats in a 50-50 swing state

41 réponses 1 451 Retweets 1 923 j'aime

Reminder: most black elders never got birth certificates because white doctors refused to allow black mothers into hospitals to give birth

7 réponses 423 Retweets 341 j'aime

Yep. Be wary when ppl scoff @ criticism of Voter ID laws w/"How hard can it be?" That's some1 who's never contemplated systemic oppression.

2 réponses 5 Retweets 7 j'aime
76 réponses 2 280 Retweets 2 079 j'aime

Gonna take a break from Gianforte bodyslam to talk about something in Montana that’s super underreported: Native American voter suppression

153 réponses 7 665 Retweets 13 170 j'aime

We are a center-left nation with a massive vote suppression problem.

2 réponses 208 Retweets 336 j'aime

"Dems lost OH because of economic anxiety!!!" Or....

51 Retweets 57 j'aime

"Democrats are twice as likely as Republicans to be purged from the voter rolls in the state’s largest counties."

Every state should do this. Automatic voter registration would be country's single most effective registration drive

36 réponses 1 233 Retweets 2 489 j'aime

Voter suppression should be main election focus not only of Dems who want to win but of anyone who cares about justice and civil rights.

40 réponses 1 553 Retweets 2 340 j'aime