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Australian journalist Chris Uhlmann's 'searing assessment' of Trump goes viral

William McInnes

Published: July 9 2017 - 9:15PM

"Scathing", "searing" and "brutal" were just a few of the adjectives flying around social media on Sunday following an eloquent takedown of Donald Trump by ABC political editor Chris Uhlmann.

Speaking to Insiders from Hamburg, Uhlmann delivered a wrap on the G20 summit that has since gone viral, resonating with people from around the world and astonishing US political commentators.

The veteran journalist criticised the US President's conduct while in office, his awkwardness at the G20 summit and his offhand Twitter tirades.

"He was an uneasy, lonely, awkward figure at this gathering and you got the strong sense that some of the leaders are trying to find the best way to work around him," Uhlmann said.

"He has no desire and no capacity to lead the world.

"[He] barks out bile in 140 characters, [and] wastes his precious days as President at war with the West's institutions like the judiciary, independent government agencies and the free press."

Uhlmann also criticised the President's desire to be the centrepiece of conversation, saying that it was the only thing Trump cared about.

What did we learn about @realDonaldTrump at this #G20? @CUhlmann explains. #Insiders

— Insiders ABC (@InsidersABC) July 8, 2017

"Donald Trump is a man who craves power because it burnishes his celebrity. To be constantly talking and talked about is all that really matters."

Uhlmann finished off by saying that Trump was leading America into a decline that would see the superpower ultimately replaced by Russia and China.

"Donald Trump has pressed 'fast forward' on the decline of the United States as a global leader. He managed to isolate his nation, to confuse and alienate his allies and to diminish America."

Following the airing of his strong statement, Uhlmann's Twitter account began trending in Washington with many Americans praising his words.

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof shared the video with his 2.1 million Facebook followers, describing Uhlmann's words as "powerful".

Wow. A scathing and powerful take by Australian journalist @CUhlmann on how Trump has turned the G20 into the G19, excluding the US.

— Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) July 9, 2017

Bradd Jaffy, a senior news editor with NBC News, said the video was a "searing assessment" of the President.

Wow. A searing assessment of the President of the United States by political editor @CUhlmann of Australia's ABC.

— Bradd Jaffy (@BraddJaffy) July 9, 2017

Many others from the US joined the chorus of those praising the journalist's words.

Holy smokes. Australian journalist provides one of the most brutal takedowns of Trump I've heard in a while. 👏🏽

— Amarnath Amarasingam (@AmarAmarasingam) July 8, 2017

Despite being married to Labor politician Gai Brodtmann, Uhlmann was once senior adviser to conservative Christian independent Paul Osborne and is generally considered a conservative.

Uhlmann's Twitter account remained quiet on Sunday and the ABC did not respond to a request for a statement at the time of writing.

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