Burning The Ground: DjPaulT's 80's and 90's Remixes

80's and 90's 12 Inch Mixes

Archive for the 'News' Category

Memorial Day Weekend

Posted by DjPaulT on 26th May 2017

Hi, everyone

This weekend is Memorial Day weekend here in the USA a national holiday for remembering the people who died while serving in the country’s armed forces. The holiday also marks the start of the unofficial summer vacation season and many Americans take to lakes and camping grounds for the long holiday weekend. I will be leaving myself later this afternoon for a short holiday just to get away and reset.
I think after the tough week that we all had we should take a deep breath and remember that we are all in this crazy world together. I especially want to send a big hug to all that are hurting in Manchester and around the globe.

I will be back on Tuesday with more music.

Love & Light


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New Scanner

Posted by DjPaulT on 23rd April 2017

Hey everybody I hope your weekend was a good one. I picked up the new scanner Saturday afternoon and so far I really like it. It was very easy to set up and seems to scan really nicely. The images are sharp with lots of detail. The only thing that I noticed is scanning is a bit slow however I don’t mind given that the scan looks really nice. Another plus is that it has wireless internet connectivity so you can really place this massive beast anywhere. I like the touch screen panel on the front as well. I am going to test it out for the next week or so and decide if I like it enough to keep it. Below are a couple if pics for your reference.


Epson Workforce WF-7610



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Scanner Malfunction

Posted by DjPaulT on 21st April 2017

Hi guys,

So sorry for the late post I have been dealing with scanner issues all morning. My scanner has decided to stop scanning colors accurately so I am going to have to spend some money and purchase a new one. Luckily my local Best Buy stores do carry an over sized A3 scanner at a reasonable price. I am going to go pick up one today or tomorrow depending on the weather which has been extreme today very heavy rain. I also want to let you know that I will not be posting on Monday because I have doctor appointment. If everything goes well with the scanner i will post on Tuesday.

I really hope you all have a great weekend.


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Welcome and Thank You!

Posted by DjPaulT on 10th April 2017

We did it! I am excited to announce that BTG reached — and exceeded it’s fundraising goal of $400.00 over the weekend! Thank you to everyone who has contributed. I am looking forward to bringing you more great music. Our next fundraiser will be in six months October 2017 and I know that we will do just as well. I also want to say welcome to all of the new readers, the BTG community is happy to have you. Thank you again for your help.

Love & Light


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Posted by DjPaulT on 7th April 2017


Hi guys! I hope you all are doing great. Last October we had a very successful fundraiser in which you guys really came through. If you remember I told you that we would be doing a fundraiser about every six months to keep funds in the Burning The Ground account. Well that time has come again and your help is so appreciated.

Our goal is to raise $400.00. This will ensure that I will be able to keep some funds in the BTG account to go towards site hosting, maintaining my equipment and buying records that you request. I do realize that times are tough for many so any amount given is very appreciated. All you have to do to make your donation is click on one of the yellow donate buttons anywhere on the site. I use PayPal. It’s safe, secure, and you don’t need an account.

Thank you so much for your help.



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Happy New Year!

Posted by DjPaulT on 1st January 2017

Happy New Year Everyone! Thanks so much for following Burning The Ground. This is our tenth year and I am so looking forward to sharing more 80s in 2017. You guys are the best and BTG would not be here without your support. Wishing all of you the best in the coming new year.

Love & Light -DjPaulT

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