- published: 12 Jun 2015
- views: 19431
Sorge may refer to:
Richard Sorge (October 4, 1895 – November 7, 1944) was a Soviet military intelligence officer, active before and during the Second World War, working as an undercover German journalist in both Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. His codename was "Ramsay" (Russian: Рамза́й).
Sorge is most famous for his service in Japan in 1940 and 1941, when he provided information about Adolf Hitler's plan to attack the Soviet Union, although he did not succeed in finding out the exact date of the attack.
In mid-September 1941, he informed the Soviet command that Japan was not going to attack the Soviet Union in the near future, which allowed the command to transfer 18 divisions, 1,700 tanks, and over 1,500 aircraft from Siberia and the Far East to the Western Front against Nazi Germany during the most critical months of the Battle for Moscow; one of the turning points of the of World War II.
A month later Sorge was arrested in Japan on the counts of espionage. The German Abwehr legitimately denied he was an agent; USSR repudiated him and refused three offers to spare him through a prisoner exchange. He was tortured, forced to confess, tried, and then hanged in November 1944. Two decades passed before he was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union in 1964.
The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (Russian: Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих Респу́блик, tr. Soyuz Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik; IPA: [sɐˈjus sɐˈvʲɛtskʲɪx sətsɨəlʲɪsˈtʲitɕɪskʲɪx rʲɪˈspublʲɪk]) abbreviated to USSR (Russian: СССР, tr. SSSR) or shortened to the Soviet Union (Russian: Сове́тский Сою́з, tr. Sovetskij Soyuz; IPA: [sɐ'vʲetskʲɪj sɐˈjʉs]), was a Marxist–Leninist state on the Eurasian continent that existed between 1922 and 1991. A union of multiple subnational Soviet republics, its government and economy were highly centralized. The Soviet Union was a one-party state, governed by the Communist Party with Moscow as its capital.
Spy Sorge English Part 1 of 2 Eng/Jan
Sorge - La sera
Spy Sorge (1/3) : the Soviet Spy in Japan from 1933
Sorge - Bar Destino
Sorge - Noi facciamo ciò che siamo
Sorge Accetto tutto
Рихард Зорге / Richard Sorge. Жизнь Замечательных Людей.
Sorge ums Baby ... | Schwangerschaftsupdate
Proslulý špion Richard Sorge
Actors: Hilmar Baumann (actor), Lothar Förster (actor), Günter Junghans (actor), Peter Reusse (actor), Helmut Schreiber (actor), Ernst-Georg Schwill (actor), Gerd E. Schäfer (actor), Friedrich Teitge (actor), Jutta Hoffmann (actress), Ingolf Gorges (actor), Albert Hetterle (actor), Alexander Papendiek (actor), Ursula Rudzki (editor), Werner W. Wallroth (writer), Werner W. Wallroth (director),
Genres: ,La sera su iTunes: http://apple.co/2fCbCbO La sera su Spotify: http://spoti.fi/2g2TuZh Regia di Umberto Nicoletti. Prodotto, registrato e mixato da Marco Caldera, Glashaus Studio di Bologna. Masterizzato da Giovanni Versari, La Maestà Mastering, Tredozio (FC). In concerto: 24 nov 2016 BOLOGNA - TPO 26 nov 2016 TORINO - Magazzino sul Po 03 dic 2016 MARGHERA (Venezia) - La Rivolta de La Tempesta festival (con Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti, Mellow Mood e altri) - Centro Sociale Rivolta 08 dic 2016 MILANO - Serraglio 21 gen 2017 BUSTO ARSIZIO (Varese) - Circolo Gagarin 03 feb 2017 FIRENZE - Tender Club
※Did Soviet Agents Help Plan Pearl Harbor? http://discerninghistory.com/2015/12/did-soviet-agents-help-plan-pearl-harbor/ Richard Sorge (October 4, 1895 – November 7, 1944) was a Soviet military intelligence officer, active before and during the Second World War, working as an undercover German journalist in both Nazi Germany and the Empire of Japan. His codename was "Ramsay". Sorge is most famous for his service in Japan in 1940 and 1941, when he provided information about Adolf Hitler's plan to attack the Soviet Union, although he did not succeed in finding out the exact date of the attack. In mid-September 1941, he informed the Soviet command that Japan was not going to attack the Soviet Union in the near future, which allowed the command to transfer 18 divisions, 1,700 tanks, and over ...
"Storie che si intrecciano vorticose in un bar. Rimanere immobili e cercare di ascoltarle e collezionarle tutte. Io, tu, tutti noi.” Umberto Nicoletti / La guerra di domani su iTunes: http://apple.co/1LElOqv Regia + D.o.p: Umberto Nicoletti Editing & compositing: Nicola Belvedere Produzione: Das Studio www.latempesta.org
"La guerra di domani" uscirà il 5 febbraio 2015. Regia di Umberto Nicoletti. Un viaggio dall’esterno all’interno, dalla superficie al profondo, dall’apparenza alla nuda verità. Partiamo da una frequenza frenetica fino ad un sentiero intrinseco che rivela le nostre paure sotto pelle e le nostre memorie più intime e segrete. Produrre, vendere, consumare; azioni meccaniche ripetute per abitudine e svuotate di ogni significato, lese.
Всемирная сеть" - ток-шоу "ЖЗЛ", соведущим которого стал писатель, актер, режиссер и сценарист Павел Санаев, обещает внести новые главы в историю изучения "жизни замечательных людей". В студии программы встретятся два оппонента — автор официальной биографии и сторонник альтернативного мнения. Самые яркие и спорные эпизоды жизни известных персон получат непредвиденную развязку. Неожиданным сюжетным ходом проекта станет сеанс связи с героем программы, который, будучи уже давно в нематериальном мире, ответит на пять самых важных вопросов о себе. В качестве модератора мистического действа выступит телеведущий Григорий Кулагин-Бобров. В экспериментальной рубрике "Espirito.net" принимает участие группа молодых ученых, чьи смелые проекты и не снились их зарубежным конкурентам. То, что на первый в...
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*** Více informací na http://www.filmexport.cz/ *** V říjnu 1941 obdržela japonská kontrarozvědka informace o podvratné činnosti Richarda Sorgeho. Pochopitelně to bylo podivné, neboť Richard Sorge byl tiskový atašé německého velvyslanectví v Tokiu, nacistický pohlavár, jenž byl pravidelným hostem v císařském paláci a přátelil se s mnoha japonskými generály i se samotným šéfem kontrarozvědky. Byl snad Richard Sorge německým špionem anebo naopak pracoval pro Sověty?
Miss Sport Lotto Abruzzo
I know there's more to you than you'll ever let me see.
They've got your love turned around and filled up with disbelief.
I see that part of you that you try to hide so well.
They don't see you crying out and they don't see the tears
they've been blinded by their holy verse to the point where they don't
They judge your words, judge your life without ever judging theirs.
They tell you all you need, without ever asking you.
How can you just go along without ever asking why?
You don't have to fool yourself
I don't deny we all need some help
they turned your life into an ongoing show,
but I saw the life that disappeared, long ago.
You seem to want to find in me, some doubt or disbelief.
I know there's more to you than you'll ever let me see.