National Lawyers Guild Foundation

The National Lawyers Guild Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation that promotes the NLG’s mission through public education and grants to legal projects engaged in the defense of political and civil rights.

Since inception, a primary role of the Foundation has been to support the sustainability of the NLG National Office through direct grants on an annual and as-needed basis. These grants allow the National Office to coordinate national mass defense, organize students, provide fellowships, and produce and distribute NLG publications. Our support ensures that the National Office remains a strong uniting force of the Guild.

Fiscal Sponsorship

In addition to supporting the National Office, the Foundation serves as fiscal sponsor for NLG chapters and committees that do not have 501(c)(3) status. Fiscal Sponsorship allows NLG entities to seek grants and solicit tax-deductible donations. Past and current fiscal sponsorees include the Committee to Stop FBI Repression, Lynne Stewart Defense Committee, Committee to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the Military Law Task Force. The Foundation has also served as fiscal sponsor for the New York City, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Portland and San Francisco Bay Area Chapters.

Any new projects seeking fiscal sponsorship must have a direct relationship with a Guild chapter or Guild committee. Please contact for more information.

Direct Grants

In 2014, the NLGF launched a small grants program to support NLG entities outside of the National Office through small grants to promote membership and strengthen programmatic work between Guild chapters and committees. Past grantees include the NLG NYC Chapter Labor and Employment Committee, the NLG Military Law Task Force, the NLG Philadelphia Chapter, the NLG Louisiana Chapter, CUNY Law Foundation, and the NLG Portland Oregon Chapter.

The deadline for the 2016 Guild Grants Program has passed. Information about the grant recipients can be found here.


NLGF Board of Directors

Bruce Nestor, President
Jeff Petrucelly, Treasurer
Judy Somberg, Assistant Treasurer
Barbara Dudley
Bobby Shukla
Carl Lipscombe
David Gespass
Karen Jo Koonan
Rebecca Sherman
Tim Hoffman
Natasha Lycia Ora Bannon (NLG President)
Pooja Gehi (NLG Executive Director)
Roxana Orrell (NLG Treasurer)

Ways You Can Support the NLGF

The NLGF relies on the generosity of individuals like you.

Your gift will support human rights activists working with the legal system to make direct change for social justice. Gifts of any amount make a huge difference to our work.

Making a monthly pledge is an easy way to pledge your commitment to the Guild. Your recurring contributions provide a steady source of support while saving time, fees, and resources.

By including the National Lawyers Guild Foundation, Inc. in your will, you can memorialize a lifetime of people’s lawyering and guarantee that your voice for human rights over property interests will carry on.

  • Name the Guild as a beneficiary on Your Life Insurance

By naming the Guild as a primary or secondary beneficiary on your life insurance you can support the Guild’s work to advance human and civil rights while ensuring that your loved ones are provided for.

  • Stock Gifts

Make a contribution to the Guild with stock or mutual fund shares instead of cash and save on capital gains taxes.

For more information please contact