- published: 16 Mar 2016
- views: 5986
Catalan may refer to:
Catalan (/ˈkætəlæn/;autonym: català [kətəˈla] or [kataˈla]) is a Romance language named for its origins in Catalonia, in what is northeastern Spain and adjoining parts of France. It is the national and only official language of Andorra, and a co-official language of the Spanish autonomous communities of Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, and Valencia (where the language is known as Valencian, and there exist regional standards). It also has semi-official status in the city of Alghero on the Italian island of Sardinia. It is also spoken with no official recognition in parts of the Spanish autonomous communities of Aragon (La Franja) and Murcia (Carche), and in the historic French region of Roussillon/Northern Catalonia, roughly equivalent to the department of Pyrénées-Orientales.
According to the Statistical Institute of Catalonia in 2008 the Catalan language is the second most commonly used in Catalonia, after Spanish, as a native or self-defining language. The Generalitat of Catalunya spends part of its annual budget on the promotion of the use of Catalan in Catalonia and in other territories.
"Thank you" is a common expression of gratitude. It often refers to a thank you letter, a letter written to express appreciation.
Thank You or Thank U may also refer to:
10 Catalan Phrases You Should Learn
WIKITONGUES: Ona speaking Catalan
Catalan language Lesson 1
Top 22 Catalan phrases to learn before Barcelona
ESPAÑOL VS CATALÁN | Challenge Idiomil
Rusa habla catalan. Con subtitulos en castellano
Aprender Catalan con palabras
Learn Catalan - Basic Catalan Phrases for Tourists
WIKITONGUES: Artur speaking Catalan
Actors: Didier Sauvegrain (actor), Marc Cassot (actor), Jean-Pierre Castaldi (actor), Maurice Chevit (actor), Pierre Clémenti (actor), Michel Aumont (actor), Jean-Claude Drouot (actor), Didier Vasseur (composer), Marcel Jullian (writer), Jean Négroni (actor), Jacques Rispal (actor), Isabelle Candelier (actress), Catherine Wilkening (actress), Pascale Rocard (actress), Roger Kahane (director),
Genres: ,Did you know that in Catalonia (Catalunya) there are 2 official languages? Locals speak both Spanish (Castellano) and Catalan. You'll be able to get by just fine with Spanish, but learning a few key phrases in Catalan will really help you win the hearts of locals. Here are 10 phrases we think you should learn if you are going to study abroad in Barcelona. To learn more about how you can study or intern in Barcelona, visit http://barcelonasae.com today!
Get a free Catalan lesson with italki: http://promos.italki.com/wikitongues_cat My name is Ona and I'm from Mallorca. It's hard for me to explain where I'm from. And it's not because I had lived in a lot places. I've actually lived most of my life, if not all of it, in Mallorca in a city called Alcudia, and I haven't lived anywhere else. But for me home it's something more than where you grow up, but a place that connects with who you are and where you feel more comfortable. And I always had this dilemma... I'm someone meant to live in a city. I need a big city with a lot of space, with no schedules and a lot of people and I guess that's why from a very young age I've been obsessed with New York. But at the same time I grew up in a family where I've been told that how important it is to h...
https://www.facebook.com/AlifSilpachai 1 Hello Hola 2 Good morning Bon dia 3 Good afternoon Bona tarda 4 Good night Bona nit 5 I don't understand No ho entenc 6 Yes Sí 7 No No 8 Do you speak English? (formal) Parla anglès? 9 Do you speak English (informal) Parles anglès? 10 How are you? (formal) Com està? 11 How are you (informal) Com estàs? 12 Fine, thank you Bé, gràcies 13 I'm sorry Ho sento 14 Excuse me (formal) Perdoni 15 Excuse me (informal) Perdó/Perdona 16 I would like... M'agradaria... 17 Please Sisplau 18 Thanks/Thank you Gràcies 19 Thanks/Thank you Merci 20 Thank you very much Moltes gràcies 21 You're welcome De res 22 Goodbye Adeu
Pues hoy os cuento mi experiencia por Barcelona, hay que visitarla! Genial ciudad, genial gente! / COMPARTE Y ÉCHAME UNA MANO! - AQUÍ MIS REDES =) // https://twitter.com/kikillovlogs http://instagram.com/kikillovlogs# Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kikill... KIKILLO . Apartado de correos 10206, Codigo postal: 28010, Madrid. (Que no se os olvide el nombre que es compartido)
Hemos decidido poner a prueba el catalán que Ruben ha ido aprendiendo durante los años que llegamos juntos. Acabará ganando? Síguenos! WEB: http://www.gtmdreams.com FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/gtmdreams TWITTER: http://twitter.com/gtmdreams INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/gtmdreams
Por fin he podido hacer el video que queria hacer hace tiempo pero siempre me faltaba el coraje. Estoy aprendiendo el catalan y en este video os explico porque. Espero que os guste!
http://www.woltersworld.com Learn a bit of Catalan language before you head to Barcelona or Catalunya in Spain. A language that feels like a mix of Spanish and French with some fun thrown in as well. If you are visiting Barcelona or traveling farther afield in Eastern Spain knowing a few basic words in Catalan can make all the difference. Filmed in Barcelona, Spain Copyright Mark Wolters 2014 Thank you Mari for your great help!
Recorded in New York City, USA. Get a free Catalan lesson with italki: http://promos.italki.com/wikitongues_cat President of Catalonia Artur Mas i Gavarró shares his thoughts on the relationship between individual identity, collective identity and language. CATALÀ Un gran escriptor català, Josep Pla, deia que ell sabia que estava en el seu país quan deia bon dia i li responien bon dia. Doncs això es precisament el que significa una llengua, sentir-te a casa teva, identificar-te amb una identitat pròpia, amb unes arrels, amb la teva manera de fer, amb la teva manera de ser perquè totes aquestes coses van lligades les unes amb les altres. Jo soc català, i soc català entre d'altres coses perquè parlo el català. També n'hi han catalans que no parlen el català habitualment però també son ...
Did you know that in Catalonia (Catalunya) there are 2 official languages? Locals speak both Spanish (Castellano) and Catalan. You'll be able to get by just fine with Spanish, but learning a few key phrases in Catalan will really help you win the hearts of locals. Here are 10 phrases we think you should learn if you are going to study abroad in Barcelona. To learn more about how you can study or intern in Barcelona, visit http://barcelonasae.com today!
Get a free Catalan lesson with italki: http://promos.italki.com/wikitongues_cat My name is Ona and I'm from Mallorca. It's hard for me to explain where I'm from. And it's not because I had lived in a lot places. I've actually lived most of my life, if not all of it, in Mallorca in a city called Alcudia, and I haven't lived anywhere else. But for me home it's something more than where you grow up, but a place that connects with who you are and where you feel more comfortable. And I always had this dilemma... I'm someone meant to live in a city. I need a big city with a lot of space, with no schedules and a lot of people and I guess that's why from a very young age I've been obsessed with New York. But at the same time I grew up in a family where I've been told that how important it is to h...
https://www.facebook.com/AlifSilpachai 1 Hello Hola 2 Good morning Bon dia 3 Good afternoon Bona tarda 4 Good night Bona nit 5 I don't understand No ho entenc 6 Yes Sí 7 No No 8 Do you speak English? (formal) Parla anglès? 9 Do you speak English (informal) Parles anglès? 10 How are you? (formal) Com està? 11 How are you (informal) Com estàs? 12 Fine, thank you Bé, gràcies 13 I'm sorry Ho sento 14 Excuse me (formal) Perdoni 15 Excuse me (informal) Perdó/Perdona 16 I would like... M'agradaria... 17 Please Sisplau 18 Thanks/Thank you Gràcies 19 Thanks/Thank you Merci 20 Thank you very much Moltes gràcies 21 You're welcome De res 22 Goodbye Adeu
Pues hoy os cuento mi experiencia por Barcelona, hay que visitarla! Genial ciudad, genial gente! / COMPARTE Y ÉCHAME UNA MANO! - AQUÍ MIS REDES =) // https://twitter.com/kikillovlogs http://instagram.com/kikillovlogs# Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Kikill... KIKILLO . Apartado de correos 10206, Codigo postal: 28010, Madrid. (Que no se os olvide el nombre que es compartido)
Hemos decidido poner a prueba el catalán que Ruben ha ido aprendiendo durante los años que llegamos juntos. Acabará ganando? Síguenos! WEB: http://www.gtmdreams.com FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/gtmdreams TWITTER: http://twitter.com/gtmdreams INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/gtmdreams
Por fin he podido hacer el video que queria hacer hace tiempo pero siempre me faltaba el coraje. Estoy aprendiendo el catalan y en este video os explico porque. Espero que os guste!
http://www.woltersworld.com Learn a bit of Catalan language before you head to Barcelona or Catalunya in Spain. A language that feels like a mix of Spanish and French with some fun thrown in as well. If you are visiting Barcelona or traveling farther afield in Eastern Spain knowing a few basic words in Catalan can make all the difference. Filmed in Barcelona, Spain Copyright Mark Wolters 2014 Thank you Mari for your great help!
Recorded in New York City, USA. Get a free Catalan lesson with italki: http://promos.italki.com/wikitongues_cat President of Catalonia Artur Mas i Gavarró shares his thoughts on the relationship between individual identity, collective identity and language. CATALÀ Un gran escriptor català, Josep Pla, deia que ell sabia que estava en el seu país quan deia bon dia i li responien bon dia. Doncs això es precisament el que significa una llengua, sentir-te a casa teva, identificar-te amb una identitat pròpia, amb unes arrels, amb la teva manera de fer, amb la teva manera de ser perquè totes aquestes coses van lligades les unes amb les altres. Jo soc català, i soc català entre d'altres coses perquè parlo el català. També n'hi han catalans que no parlen el català habitualment però també son ...
Ocho apellidos catalanes Película Completa en Español Latino
El cas dels catalans 1714
If I was your lover, baby
Would you want me to be true
And tell you there's no other, baby
There's only me and you
And now, we're all alone
There's something I want you to know
You'll be my future
I'll be your past
Catch me I think that I'm falling too fast
I'll be your first love
You'll be my last
If you really wanna know me, baby
Look deep into my eyes
I really gotta show you, baby
My feelings deep inside
(Cuz the moment seems right)
And now, we're all alone
There's something I want you to know
You'll be my future
I'll be your past
Catch me I think that I'm falling too fast
I'll be your first love
You'll be my last
You'll be my first love
I'll be your last
And now, we're all alone
There's something I want you to know
You'll be my future
I'll be your past
Catch me I think that I'm falling too fast
I'll be your first love
You'll be my last
You'll be my first love
I'll be your last
I'll be your first love