jini maxwell.

comics, drawing, poems.
too many feelings and not enough tamagotchis.

@astroblob on instagram


heart_container.jpg.contacthistory link link link
week 26   2 weeks ago   17 notes    
Just finished a new comic ^_^
This guy will be posted in full after it has been printed in Merv Heers’ anthology CASTLES IN THE SKY II
new forest dreams, same characters, same uneven lines.

Just finished a new comic ^_^ 

This guy will be posted in full after it has been printed in Merv Heers’ anthology CASTLES IN THE SKY II

new forest dreams, same characters, same uneven lines. 


week 24   1 month ago   13 notes    
🌿 maidenhair ferns have a reputation for fragility, but even if they get cut down to nothing, they grow back. these are lessons all powerful witches know 🌙✨ love you @sluttywidow

🌿 maidenhair ferns have a reputation for fragility, but even if they get cut down to nothing, they grow back. these are lessons all powerful witches know 🌙✨ love you @sluttywidow

week 24   1 month ago   16 notes    
a little moon of mine ended up on someone’s skin 🌙✨
commissioned by Kas @intrazone
inked by @emilyjanetattoo

a little moon of mine ended up on someone’s skin 🌙✨ 

commissioned by Kas @intrazone 

inked by @emilyjanetattoo

week 20   1 month ago   8 notes    


@astroblob picked up Dear Eaten Fish today from sticky institute! What a fantastic zine, loved that the page with the message exchange lol. 

I’m so glad you like it ! <3 

week 11   4 months ago   38 notes    

The zine in all its glory! So glad to have this beauty fully printed. 

It’s about 36 pages, and riso printed in blue by Helio Press. The zine is an open letter of love and solidarity from Australian artists to a refugee cartoonist being detained on Manus Island, who goes by Eaten Fish. 

If you want to buy a copy of this zine, it is $10, and all proceeds go towards the medical expenses of asylum seekers in PNG. I will be at the NGV Art Book Fair on Sunday, or you can email me: helloastroblob@gmail.com

If you want to learn more about the plight of Eaten Fish & the atrocious and illegal refugee policies that Australia maintains, go here

Feel free to contact me for more information, and feel free to share.

week 11   4 months ago   9 notes    
Dear Eaten Fish letter 2 will be $10, with all proceeds going towards the medical expenses of refugees in PNG 💙🐟 I will be at the NGV Art Book Fair on Sunday, and ill do my best to pop it on a table or two on saturday 🙇🏻⚡️ #bringthemhere...

Dear Eaten Fish letter 2 will be $10, with all proceeds going towards the medical expenses of refugees in PNG 💙🐟 I will be at the NGV Art Book Fair on Sunday, and ill do my best to pop it on a table or two on saturday 🙇🏻⚡️ #bringthemhere #saveeatenfish

week 11   4 months ago   10 notes    
swim, swim

swim, swim

week 10   4 months ago   17 notes    


week 08   4 months ago   7 notes    
warm up sketch, ducks in rain 🌧

warm up sketch, ducks in rain 🌧

week 08   4 months ago   40 notes    


redrawn for WHATEVER IT TAKES. 

week 08   4 months ago   52 notes    
Hi sweet beans, I’m looking for submissions to DEAR EATEN FISH #2
DEAR EATEN FISH is a zine initiative that functions as an open artistic letter of support to Eaten Fish, a 25 yr old comics artist who has been detained on Manus Island for the past 3...

Hi sweet beans, I’m looking for submissions to DEAR EATEN FISH #2

DEAR EATEN FISH is a zine initiative that functions as an open artistic letter of support to Eaten Fish, a 25 yr old comics artist who has been detained on Manus Island for the past 3 years. Living with severe OCD and C-PTSD, he’s too unstable to have his refugee status processed. He has written and drawn openly about the horrifying conditions of life on Manus. This zine also aims to make his cause visible, and functions as an artistic petition to have him brought to the mainland for urgent mental health care.

The proceeds from sales of the print zine will all go to Gifts to Manus and Nauru, a charity that ensures those detained in offshore processing facilities have phone credit, and means to access the outside world (necessities that are not ensures by out government). It will also be available for free online. The first can be found here.

Submissions should be black and white, and scanned at 300 dpi– because instead of Officeworks printing, we’re riso-printing this one with the incredibly generous help of Helio Press. They will be printed at a5 size.
I’m looking for cartoons, comics and illustrations from anyone who wants to submit– if you feel intimidated by the idea of riso, or don’t know what dpi is– shoot me a message or an email. I don’t bite, and it’s easy once you know :) this is not exclusive to professional artists, and it doesn’t have to be new work.

Submissions close March 6, and should be sent to helloastroblob@gmail.com

Cover image by Rachel Ang.


week 08   4 months ago   5 notes    
Anonymous said:  Hi Jini, My friend Ruth just told me about the Eaten Fish zine you compiled. A friend and I put up some posters we (she, really) made about Eaten Fish in Canberra recently, and I was wondering where I can buy the zine so we could distribute some around the place. Your art work is wonderful! Cheers, Susie Russell

Hello susie russell :) 

I don’t think I’m going to do another run of the first zine for a few weeks because I’m pretty burnt out! But if you email me at helloastroblob@gmail.com I can organise sending you some of the second zine. 

get in contact! maybe we can work on something together, too :) love a good collab xx

week 07   4 months ago   8 notes    
Anonymous said:  hey jini just so you know, your work is great, you care so much, and you're utterly gorgeous. hope you have a super weekend <3

you bloody angel <3 

thank you for this. xx

week 06   5 months ago   11 notes    
“ Pictured: fishies for Eaten Fish.
Compilation buyable from Jini Maxwell @astroblob
~ All proceeds goin to the Refugee Art Project;
Overflowing with the same beautiful pieces as
sent to our courageous friend, on Manus Island ~


Pictured: fishies for Eaten Fish.

Compilation buyable from Jini Maxwell @astroblob
~ All proceeds goin to the Refugee Art Project;
Overflowing with the same beautiful pieces as
sent to our courageous friend, on Manus Island ~

The #bringthemhere campaign joinable hither:
(you don’t have to be a media, entertainment or
arts person to add your name nd lend yr support
in this, and other ways!)

More art, & speaking up, from Mr Fish himself, @

💚 🐟 💚

week 04   5 months ago   28 notes    
🎌 my japan zine has a title and a cover🎌
LUCKY STRIKE will debut at the Festival of the Photocopier, Feb 12.
This small zine of sketches, snaps and ticket stubs has been a fucking joy to make, such a pleasure to spend time revisiting cherished...

🎌 my japan zine has a title and a cover🎌

LUCKY STRIKE will debut at the Festival of the Photocopier, Feb 12.
This small zine of sketches, snaps and ticket stubs has been a fucking joy to make, such a pleasure to spend time revisiting cherished memories 💌 v excited to share a small slice of a time that was so special to me.

& forth