Event: North Africa at the Crossroads

North Africa at the Crossroads Organised by Middle East Solidarity magazine with the support of SOAS Unison Tuesday 11 July – 7-9pm Room G3, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), Russell Square, London, WC1H 0XG Tickets £3 (unwaged), £5 (waged), Available in advance via Eventbrite or on the door. Speakers include: Mohamed Boutayeb and…

Event: Middle East Solidarity Dayschool 2016

Join debates and discussions with leading activists from Palestine, Bahrain, Egypt, Turkey and Syria who offer analysis of the region which cuts through the picture of confusion and despair in the mainstream media. We will also hear hidden stories of courage and resilience which continue to inspire, five years after the revolutions which shook the…

Book launch explores Bahrain’s Uprising

By Alice Finden Farida Ghulam, wife of Bahraini political prisoner of conscience Ebrahim Sharif, Amnesty International’s trade union campaigns manager Shane Enright and author Marc Owen Jones joined a panel discussion to launch Bahrain’s Uprising on 7 October. The book, which is edited by Ala’a Shehabi and Marc makes a vital contribution in its field…

Solidarity conference discusses Arab revolutions four years on

Around 140 people took part in lively discussions at our conference on 13/14 February exploring resistance and solidarity in the Middle East four years after the Arab Revolutions of 2011. Speakers from Morocco, Bahrain, Egypt and Syria discussed topics as diverse as sectarianism and counter-revolution, workers’ struggles and the battle for social justice, prospects for…