
The following national unions are affiliated to MENA Solidarity Network: NUT, UCU, PCS

We also welcome affiliations from local union branches and trades councils. To affiliate to our network, please pass a resolution at your branch or committee meeting and contact us on

Our mailing address is: MENA Solidarity, Unit 193, 15-17 Caledonian Road, London, N1 9DX

Affiliated organisations are entitled to send a representative to our Steering Group meetings.

A copy of our constitution is available here

MENA Solidarity constitution

A list of our current steering committee members is available here

MENA Solidarity Network Officers and Steering Group2015

Affiliation rates for 2015-6 (Cheques should be made out to MENA Solidarity)

  • National unions: £200
  • Union branches / Trades Councils: £25
  • Individual: £15 waged / £5 unwaged

For more details contact

8 thoughts on “Affiliate

  1. Dear Colleague
    We agreed to affilaite in September but did not send the cheque off. I notice you refer to affiliation foe 2011-12 when does your year run?

    Frank Ellis
    Secretary MTUC

  2. Pingback: UK: Solidarity message from Egypt for May 10 public sector strikes | MENA Solidarity Network

  3. Pingback: Bread, freedom, social justice – build solidarity with workers in the Middle East | MENA Solidarity Network

  4. Please let me know the payee and the address for our affiliation for 2013. Many thanks – Central Notts NUT

  5. Pingback: Egypt: Hundreds sign emergency statement | MENA Solidarity Network

  6. Pingback: Tunisia: Solidarity from teachers’ unions for striking UK colleagues | MENA Solidarity Network

  7. Pingback: Video: Haitham Mohamedain addresses Unite the Resistance Conference | MENA Solidarity Network

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