Trump trusts Putin’s denial of election meddling

Putin instructed to deal with the "borsato" management of the plant in Nizhny Tagil

U.S. President Donald Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s “vehemently denied” that Russia interfered in the 2016 election, when the two met face-to-face during the G20 Summit Friday. “I strongly pressed President Putin twice about Russian meddling in our election. He vehemently denied it. I’ve already given my opinion,” Trump wrote in an early morning tweet… Continue Reading →


Russian hackers/FSB have breached U.S. nuclear and energy networks

NRC Executive Director for Operations Tour of Palo Verde

Breaking news coming from the Washington Post Saturday night regarding Russian hacking. No, this isn’t election hacking. This time it is much worse. Now they are in the nuclear and energy companies systems. U.S. government officials have confirmed that the cyber intrusions into the networks were fishing expeditions designed to “assess their networks.” The Washington Post… Continue Reading →


Fundraising again

I haven’t found full-time work, or even freelance work. (I do have a part-time gig at C&L for now.) And I’ve gone through almost every dollar I saved from last year, which was supposed to pay my taxes. I’ll worry about that later.

So what can I do? I’m applying for Social Security (finally got the paperwork I need). I need to make an appointment, and then it takes at least six weeks before I’ll see an actual check. In the meantime: Help! Help! I’m really worried! Not for the long run, but for the next month or so.

Please donate whatever you can to tide me over. I’d really appreciate it.


Morning Joe’s fantasy for Trump and Putin

Trump, con Putin ottima discussione

By the time you read this, the historic meeting in Hamburg between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will be over and – notwithstanding the propensity of both principals to lie their asses off – we will know something about what transpired. But as the Morning Joe crew noted earlier today, Trump’s behavior in the hours leading… Continue Reading →


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