ACC Social Media

Stay in touch with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the latest clinical and advocacy news through ACC in Touch, the ACC's social media campaign. ACC in Touch connects ACC members and those interested in cardiovascular news through popular social networking channels like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. Look for the ACC in Touch logo for the official ACC presence on these social media channels in order to connect with ACC members and those interested in cardiology.

ACC in Touch YouTube
  Social Media Disclaimer
  Social Media Disclaimer

The American College of Cardiology (ACC) and the American College of Cardiology Foundation (ACCF) welcome discussions related to all aspects of cardiology on our social media sites. The ACC does not allow the posting of any sensitive information relating to the practice of medicine or any information that directly or indirectly could identify a patient or consumer of health care, as it is in violation of our policy. The ACC reserves the right to remove any posts that are in violation of our policies and that are deemed offensive. Promotion of drugs, devices and other medical technologies will not be tolerated, and any comments, discussions or links involving promotional material will be removed. Repeated attempts to post promotional content will result in the individual being blocked. Statements or opinions expressed on the page reflect the views of the contributor, and do not reflect the official views of the ACC, unless otherwise noted. The ACC cannot respond to every comment. Likes and follows on social media channels are not endorsements. The ACC assumes no liability for sensitive information posted by users.