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Calls for WA abalone fishing restrictions to tighten further

Hannah Barry

Published: July 9 2017 - 9:03AM

WA fishing authorities have commenced an official review of existing abalone fishing restrictions around Perth's metropolitan coast.

Abalone fishing is currently open to licensed fisherman between 7am and 8am on the first Sunday of every month between November and March, between Busselton Jetty to Moore River.

However recent figures from Surf Life Saving WA have prompted calls to tighten restrictions even further, after it was found volunteers performed 325 individual rescues during the metropolitan abalone season in the last three years alone.

Department of Fisheries principal management officer Martin Holtz said the review into existing laws was necessary following last season's impact on life-saver resources.

"This year we are also looking closely at fisher safety given the high level of preventative and rescue lifesaving services that are undertaken, principally by Surf Life Saving WA, during the one-hour fishing periods, especially when weather conditions are not ideal for abalone fishing," he said.

"We will be working with SLSWA and Recfishwest as part of the review. The review will inform fishing arrangements for the next season."

 Recfishwest aim to submit to the review, and said it was important to address problems with existing laws.

"This fishery is regarded as one of the most dangerous in the world," a spokesperson said.

"Since 2012 four people have died while fishing for abalone in Western Australia.  Two of these deaths occurred in Perth on the first day of the season – November - when weather conditions are usually at their worst."

"Every year Surf Life Saving WA volunteers patrol popular metropolitan abalone locations.  This service consumes significant resources and takes a substantial personal toll on volunteers who are risking their own life to protect abalone fishers, particularly in adverse conditions.

"There can be no doubt that without these volunteers the number of deaths would be much higher."

Fisherman Fredrico Nevolo, 52, died in November last year after he was dragged from the water near North Beach during the abalone season opener.

It is believed his death was due to extremely rough swell, when he became caught in one of the holes near Mettam's Pool.

Recfishwest has invited WA abalone fishermen to contribute to their submission, and created a survey in order to address concerns surrounding metropolitan laws.

Recfishwest chief executive officer doctor Andrew Rowland said they hoped to collect responses from the 18,000 abalone fishermen registered in WA.

"The current tight management arrangement ensures we have a sustainable abalone fishery on the doorstep of our capital city," he said.

"We understand this review is focused on balancing sustainability with safety. We believe fishing safety is important and we believe every fisher should return home safely to their family at the end of a day's fishing.  

"In representing the best interests of the 18,000 licensed abalone fishers, we're seeking their views as to what is important to them.

"We'll be providing advice to the government to ensure people's right to catch abalone is balanced with positive public safety outcomes. 

"Recfishwest has a strong working partnership with Surf Life Saving WA and we're extremely grateful for the brave volunteers who assist in keeping the community safe every year."

Relevant fishing authorities continue to warn divers about the dangers ahead of the abalone fishing season.

At the beginning of the 2016 season in November, nearly 10,000 people descended on Trigg Beach to dive for abalone off Marmion Marine Park.

"Keep an eye on the weather and the ocean and wear appropriate clothing including protective footwear and a wetsuit or light clothing that won't become too heavy when wet," a warning statement advised.

"We urge fishers to be aware of the size and bag limits. Attach your measuring gauge to your wrist rather than hanging it around your neck and carry your catch in the loose-weave net bag that won't become a dragging weight."

Fisheries and marine officers often patrol up and down the coast during abalone season and strictly enforce legal restrictions during the small fishing window.

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/calls-for-wa-abalone-fishing-restrictions-to-tighten-further-20170707-gx71zs.html