Breaking News

Interior Secretary Zinke Hails Effort to Fight Invasive Mussels

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has announced a new initiative to combat the spread of invasive mussels across the American West, in particular in Montana, his home state.

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Colstrip, Montana: Bellweather for America’s Energy Future?

More than a town, Colstrip, Montana may be a bellweather of the United States’ energy future, as coal continues to decline.

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Zinke Recommends Revising Bears Ears National Monument

bears ears

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke has recommended President Trump and Congress “revise the existing boundaries” of Bears Ears National Monument.

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Interior Department Mulls Dropping Greater Sage Grouse Plans

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke is reportedly mulling whether to revise federal plans for managing greater sage grouse across most of the West.

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Salt Lake City and Boise Top Forbes List For Young Professionals

Downtown Salt Lake City

Salt Lake City, UT and Boise, ID have nabbed the top spots, respectively, in Forbes’ “America’s 25 Best Cities For Young Professionals In 2017” list.

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Interior Department Reverses Course on National Bison Range Management Transfer

National Bison Range

Ruling against its earlier judgment, the Interior Department has decided to have the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service continue managing the National Bison Range.

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Interior Department Seeks Public Comment on National Monuments

bears ears

The Department of the Interior is seeking public comment on 27 national monuments established in the past 20 years.

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New West Roundup for Apr. 27, 2017

Today in New West news: tug-of-war in Blackfoot-Clearwater Stewardship Act debate, Texas gas co. shuts down thousands of wells after fatal Colorado explosion, and Wyoming wolves.

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Patagonia Threatens Litigation Over National Monument Review

bears ears

Patagonia has threatened to sue the Trump Administration over its recent call for a national monument review.

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New West Roundup for April 24, 2017

Today in New West news: making Native America a destination, Trump to order review of Bears Ears and Grand Staircase, expert discusses coal’s decline at University of Wyoming, and the Front Range’s hot, hot tech scene.

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