8 July 2017

US B-1 bombers challenge Chinese claims in South China Sea

By Peter Symonds, 8 July 2017

The bomber flight is the latest US provocation ahead of the G20 summit aimed at pressuring China to take stronger action against North Korea.

Japan using North Korea as pretext to acquire offensive weapons

By Ben McGrath, 8 July 2017

The Abe government is brushing aside Article 9 of the constitution that “renounces war” and declares that military forces will “never be maintained.”

Ahead of G20 summit
US exploits North Korean missile test to threaten war and isolate China

Australian government lines up behind US threats to North Korea and China

More on Korea »

Trump-Putin meeting deepens divisions in US establishment on Russia policy

By Barry Grey, 8 July 2017

Democratic Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer called the meeting “disgraceful” and denounced Trump for undermining “our Intelligence Community.”

Virginia Democratic governor defies international protests to oversee execution of mentally ill prisoner

By Kate Randall, 8 July 2017

Governor McAuliffe’s overseeing of the execution of a highly delusional prisoner highlights in grim fashion the Democratic Party’s support for the barbaric practice of capital punishment.

California: Immigrants go on hunger strike at Adelanto Detention Facility

By Kevin Martinez, 8 July 2017

More than 30 inmates awaiting deportation have gone on hunger strike protesting poor medical care and indefinite detention.

Democratic pundits demand harsh immigration crackdown

“It is so difficult to bear the uncertainty of the future”
Life after deportation: an interview with a Mexican immigrant raised in the US

More on US immigration »

London’s Grenfell fire: Salford housing associations discontinue cladding removal

By our reporters, 8 July 2017

Three housing associations, Salix, City West Housing Trust and Pendlebury, together run the 29 tower blocks whose cladding failed fire safety tests.

London resident on Grenfell fire: “I’m looking at a graveyard with people’s relatives inside”

Grenfell Tower Inferno: “It’s worse than a terrorist attack”

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Three weeks after the Grenfell inferno: Official cover-up and callous indifference

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Haringey social cleansing exposes Labour’s hypocrisy over Grenfell Tower fire

By Paul Mitchell, 8 July 2017

Labour is just as guilty as the Tories of imposing austerity and implementing social cleansing—especially of London’s council estates and social housing.

Fed stress test results unleash “party time” for US banks

By Nick Beams, 8 July 2017

As a result of the US Federal Reserve decision, the market value of American banks is estimated to have risen by $40 billion.

Trump escalates US drone war in Somalia

By Timotheos Gaist, 8 July 2017

Calls are growing in US ruling circles for wider war in the desperately impoverished, immensely strategic Horn of Africa nation.

Missouri rolls back minimum wage increase in St. Louis

By Matthew MacEgan, 8 July 2017

Missouri’s Republican-controlled legislature passed a law that reverses the city of St. Louis’s 2015 hourly minimum wage increase, lowering it from $10 back to the state’s standard of $7.70.

Police kill Iraq veteran who held up bank to demand VA disability payment

By Eric London, 8 July 2017

Brian Easley, who had an eight-year-old daughter, called a local TV news station and said, “They took my disability check and I have nothing and I’ll be out on the street and I won’t have any money for food or anything and I’m going to starve.”

Sears announces the closing of 43 more stores in the US and Canada

By Anthony del Olmo, 8 July 2017

Sears Holdings’ announcement last week of the closing of 43 locations, including Sears and Kmart stores, is the latest in a wave of retail closures and layoffs.

Court rejects Trump’s delay of methane rules

By Daniel de Vries, 8 July 2017

The decision is a minor setback for an administration charging ahead with environmental deregulation

Backed by Greens, NDP to form British Columbia’s government

By Roger Jordan, 8 July 2017

The unions and pseudo-left are hailing the coming to power of an NDP government committed to upholding the reactionary fiscal framework of its Liberal predecessors.

Rifts widen in the Australian Greens

By James Cogan, 8 July 2017

Underlying the divisions is the fact that the Greens have evolved over the past two decades into the party of “green” business.

New in German

Polizeistaat Hamburg

Von Johannes Stern, 8. Juli 2017

Die Aggressivität mit der die herrschende Klasse in Hamburg gegen Demonstranten und die gesamte Stadtbevölkerung vorgeht, ist eine Warnung.

FAZ verherrlicht rechte Provokateure

International Students for Social Equality, 8. Juli 2017

Die enorme Stärke, die von der gemeinsamen Veranstaltung der IYSSE mit den Asten der TU Berlin und Universität Bremen ausging, rief extrem rechte Kreise auf den Plan.

Trump-Rede in Polen schürt Konflikt mit Deutschland und Russland

Von Patrick Martin, 8. Juli 2017

Der US-Präsident stellte sich vollständig hinter die ultrarechte Politik der nationalistischen PiS-Regierung in Warschau.

Grenfell Tower: „Ich sehe einen Friedhof“

Von unseren Reportern, 8. Juli 2017

Reporter der WSWS sprachen mit Menschen vor dem Westway Sports Centre in North Kensington, das als „Hilfszentrum“ für Anwohner benutzt wird, die wegen der Brandkatastrophe im Grenfell Tower evakuiert werden mussten.

New in Spanish

Trump ataca a la prensa

Por Patrick Martin y Joe Kishore, 6 julio 2017

Reconocer que el contenido de las polémicas de Trump es profundamente reaccionario tampoco significa que hay que ponerse sentimental por sus blancos inmediatos.

New in French

Le tir de missile nord-coréen accentue le risque de guerre

Par Peter Symonds, 6 juillet 2017

Washington, et non Pyongyang, est principalement responsable de la création de la situation explosive dans la péninsule coréenne.

Trois semaines après l’enfer de la tour Grenfell : la tentative d’étouffer l’affaire et l’impitoyable indifférence officielles

Par Robert Stevens, 6 juillet 2017

La période depuis l’incendie a souligné le mépris de l’élite dirigeante envers les survivants traumatisés et la classe ouvrière dans son ensemble.

Le sommet du G20 à Hambourg : une ville en état de siège

Par Sven Heymanns, 6 juillet 2017

Les mesures prévues à Hambourg ne sont pas seulement censées protéger l’élite politique qui participe au G20 mais sont des dispositifs délibérés pour un scénario de guerre civile.

Après l’incendie de la tour Grenfell : évacuation d’une tour à Wuppertal en Allemagne

Par Dietmar Henning, 6 juillet 2017

Après le terrible incendie à Londres, les responsables politiques et les chargés de la supervision de construction en Allemagne ont affirmé qu’une telle catastrophe ne pouvait se produire ici.

Other Languages


The oligarchs assemble in Hamburg

8 July 2017

Ringed by tens of thousands of heavily-armed police, the representatives of the global financial oligarchy gathered in Hamburg to hurl recriminations at one another.

Earlier Perspectives »


Hamburg under police lockdown

By Johannes Stern, 8 July 2017

The aggressiveness with which the ruling class has targeted protesters and the entire population of Hamburg must be taken as a warning.

Police rampage against G20 protestors in Hamburg

New study shows Clinton lost election because of growing working class opposition to war

By Eric London, 8 July 2017

Communities that shifted to Trump “became more likely to vote against politicians perceived as orchestrating conflicts in which their friends and neighbors died.”

Bitter conflicts dominate G20 summit in Germany

By Bill Van Auken, 7 July 2017

Trade conflicts hang over G20 summit

Banks, bondholders driving the legal conflict over Flint’s water supply

By Sheila Brehm and Jerry White, 6 July 2017

Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren joins push for US escalation in Afghanistan

Germany’s foreign policy shift 2.0: A call for German imperialism to “get going”

International Amazon Workers Voice

Virginia and Maryland Amazon workers denounce speed-ups as company profits from millions in government giveaways

By Nick Barrickman and Brad Dixon, 8 July 2017

As the mega-corporation rakes in free money from state and federal services, grants and tax breaks, thousands of its regional employees face grueling work conditions and low pay.

“The company is a prison”
Fall River, Mass., Amazon worker says company forces workers to grab heavy pallets 50 feet in air

By John Marion, 2 July 2017

Canadian Amazon workers face low wages and constant speed-up

Amazon pays warehouse workers $233 per month in India

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

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Workers Struggles

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

8 July 2017

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

“The glamour of the job is just a mask”
British Airways crew members defy strikebreaking operation

By Ross Mitchell, 7 July 2017

Bombardier Hennigsdorf workers express anger at the IG Metall union

By Gustav Kemper and Verena Nees, 7 July 2017


Sofia Coppola’s The Beguiled: Historical drama with hardly any history

By Joanne Laurier, 7 July 2017

Season Three of Better Call Saul: Objection! Relevance!

By Ed Hightower, 1 July 2017

The Grenfell Tower Fire

London residents on the Grenfell fire: “All they want to do is maximise their profits”

By our reporters, 6 July 2017

London residents on Grenfell fire: “Heads have got to roll!”

SEP Australia public meetings
The Grenfell Tower disaster: A crime against the working class

5 July 2017

More on the Grenfell Tower fire »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

Professor Sean McMeekin revives discredited anti-Lenin slanders

By David North, 30 June 2017

This week in the Russian Revolution
July 3-9: Lenin warns against premature insurrection

3 July 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Mehring Books

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 23 June 2017

A Turkish language edition of The Heritage We Defend by David North will be released next month by Mehring Yayıncılık, the publishing house of the Socialist Equality Group (Toplumsal Esitlik), the Trotskyist organization in Turkey working in political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International. The Heritage We Defend was originally published in 1988. We are posting the preface for the Turkish edition written by David North.

Book Review

Locking Up Our Own, by James Forman, Jr.
New book describes the role of black mayors and police officials in mass incarceration

By Fred Mazelis, 5 July 2017

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

The Maruti Suzuki frame-up and the history of international labor defense campaigns

By Shannon Jones, 5 July 2017

Lawyer for framed up Maruti Suzuki workers: The court “committed violence” to the “principles” of law

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Featured Videos

Photo Essay—Sri Lanka: The housing crisis and Colombo’s poor

By Shantan Kumarasamy and Panini Wijesiriwardane, 3 July 2017

A photo essay on the conditions of life for the many thousands living in makeshift housing around Colombo.

Interview: Fresno youth assaulted by police

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party holds public meeting on Sri Lankan floods disaster

By our correspondents, 5 July 2017