
An overview of the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike - Philip A. Korth & Margaret R. Beegle

A summary by Philip A. Korth and Margaret R. Beegle of the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike. Originally appeared as the second chapter of I remember like today: the Auto-Lite strike of 1934, an oral history.

Origins of the sit-down era: worker militancy and innovation in the rubber industry, 1934-1938 - Daniel Nelson

Cops and rubber workers clash in Akron, Ohio

An article by Daniel Nelson about the Akron, Ohio rubber workers of the 1930s.

The CIO at bay: labor militancy and politics in Akron, 1936-1938 - Daniel Nelson

An article by Daniel Nelson about the CIO's efforts at flexing their muscles in local politics in Akron, Ohio during the late 1930s.

Vulnerable Akron: the first great sit-down - Rose Pesotta

An account by anarchist and union organizer Rose Pesotta of the 1936 Akron rubberworkers strike, which utilized the sit-down tactic. From the book Bread Upon the Waters.

Akron rubber workers' struggles, 1933-1936 - Jeremy Brecher

Strikers clash with police, Akron 1936

Jeremy Brecher's account of the struggles of rubber workers in Akron, Ohio, the centre of the American rubber industry. Growing disillusioned with the failure of the unions to improve their situation, the workers developed the sitdown strike.

The 1934 Toledo Auto Lite strike - Ted Selander

National Guardsmen charge the picket line

A speech given by participant Ted Selander on June 3, 1984 at an anniversary celebration of the 1934 Toledo Auto-Lite strike.

Overcoming racism: the Lucasville rebellion - Staughton Lynd

Siddique Abdullah Hasan, one of the Lucasville Five.

Interesting article looking at how black and white prisoners overcame racism through common struggle in the April 1993 prison rebellion in Lucasville, Ohio.

The Lordstown struggle and the real crisis in production - Ken Weller

Fascinating pamphlet by Solidarity on the informal workers struggle against the frenetic pace of work at a General Motors plant, and the later co-optation of the struggle by the auto workers union.