
The women's day massacre, 1937

A striker wounded in the women's day massacre

A short account of the 19 June killing of 16 people and wounding of 283 by police during a demonstration of women and children in support of a steel workers' strike.

2005: New Caledonia Strike to Reinstate Fired Workers

When two employees were fired by their employer for strike activity their fellow workers brought the company to the brink of collapse in protest at their dismissal.

1942: Luxembuorg General Strike

List of names of the murdered strikers

The Looting of the Congo: Colette Braekman

Article on the cause and human costs of the second Congo War (1998-2003) a civil war that involved multiple armed groups, most backed by large mining concerns and foreign powers and was fought over access rights to the DRCs vast mineral deposits. Declared the bloodiest conflict in modern African history.

Workers' control in Latin America, 1930-1979 - Jonathan C Brown

Peruvian miners on strike, 2008

A series of essays investigating the everyday acts through which Latin American workers attempted to assert more control over work processes and thereby add dignity to their lives, during the mass working class struggles in the mid-20th century. We do not agree with the leftist nationalist perspective of some of the essays but reproduce them all for the historical information therein.

The Bisbee deportation of 1917 - Sheila Bonnand

Vigilantes force strikers to assemble

An overview of the Bisbee deportation, when over 1000 strikers in the revolutionary Industrial Workers of the World union were illegally transported by armed vigilantes to New Mexico.

The Belgian strike of the 100,000, 1941

Belgium: strike of the 100,000

A short history of the strike of tens of thousands of workers in Nazi-occupied Belgium, for a pay increase and against the fascist authorities.

Cleveland Metal and Machinery Workers 440 Shop Bulletins

The internal news and discussion publication of the Cleveland Industrial Union 440 Branch of the IWW. Issues from 1935-36. The IWW enjoyed a notable resurgence in Cleveland during the 1930s-40s, with IU 440 Metal and Machinery Workers organizing a number of small metal shops throughout the city.

Syndicalism on the Shopfloor: the Denver Shop-Stewards Strike, Transvaal, November-December 1919 - EA Mantzaris

This paper by Evan Mantzaris provides a critical chronicle of a strike by radical white metalworkers at the Denver Engineering Works on the Witwatersrand, organised through a workers’ committee.

Dewi Bowln: Merthyr Rising

A collection of images by Dewi Bowlen about the Merthyr rising.