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Based on the choices of thousands of supporters who have followed the club through the bad as well as the good times, and compiled and written by people raised in The Shed, The Special Ones presents a view of Chelsea unavailable elsewhere. There are no outsiders involved. No glory-hunters or business interests. No censorship or swapping of favours. Just generations of loyal Chelsea fans talking about the team they all adore.

Centred around the Chelsea Dream Team as chosen by the fans, and featuring interviews with Gianluca Vialli, Peter Bonetti, Ron Harris, John Terry, Eddie McCreadie, Charlie Cooke, Frank Lampard, Alan Hudson, Dennis Wise, Damien Duff, Peter Osgood and Gianfranco Zola, The Special Ones also records decades of supporter memories - from watching a British pilot shoot down a German plane over Stamford Bridge to seeing Chelsea clinch the Premiership at Bolton, via relegation, promotion and the essential goals of Clive Walker.

With sections covering the songs and chants, the legendary players who almost made the Dream Team, and the supporters who stood up and had their say in print, The Special Ones concludes with the definitive fan's-eye view of every Premiership match played during the club's historic title-winning, centenary season.

While tribute is paid to the special players who have appeared for Chelsea over the years, this book really belongs to the special ones off the pitch - the supporters - who have formed the Chelsea character and spirit. The Special Ones is pure Chelsea. The famous CFC, by the fans.