Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

Why I joined


I have always had an interest in social issues. Living a life where I ignore injustice has never been a viable option for me. …


I joined the Socialist Party as a result of my upset at the lack of involvement the major political parties have on key issues …


As a student and a worker, I am affected by the capitalist system. Not only am I exploited personally, but I have no choice …


I grew up in a somewhat conservative family. Although my parents never openly discussed politics, when I was very young I always had some …


My decision to become a socialist was made two years ago in Germany, where I grew up. I was opposed to the racism, sexism …


It has been said before that we have a stark choice – between either socialism or barbarism. We either have a society organised and …


My decision to join the Socialist Party started in May 2014. I was watching Joe Hockey read out one of the cruellest budgets I …


Three new members explain why they joined the Socialist Party I have identified as a socialist for a while without really doing anything about …


Growing up I never really understood politics. I always had a vague sense of what I thought was ‘right’, and would feel upset when …


I joined the Socialist Party after being inspired by the ideals that the party advocates. Under the current Coalition government, the flaws of the …


Two new members from Melbourne explain why they joined the party I joined the Socialist Party mainly through a friend of mine who is …


Two high school students explain why they joined the Socialist Party From a fairly young age, I considered myself to be passionate about environmental …


Two new members of the Socialist Party explain why they joined. There are many reasons I could give as to why I believe that …


I decided to join the Socialist Party because I wanted to become more politically active amongst like-minded people. My view is that Australia’s liberal …


Like most, I’ve done many jobs I hate and always felt a strong sense of alienation at work. Why is my boss yelling at …


Two new members explain why they joined SP The reason I joined the Socialist Party is simple: I am absolutely fed up with the …


I feel very lucky to have grown up in a home where politics and philosophy were regularly discussed, and where lessons from history, ideas, …


Three new members explain why they decided to join the Socialist Party I have for a long time understood that most of the problems …