Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI



It’s clear from the off that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, a spin-off from the main saga, is a little bit different. Welsh …


The vicious harassment of the sick and unemployed by the Tory government in Britain provoked legendary director Ken Loach, now 80 years of age, …


It is six years since Michael Moore’s last film and he’s back on top form. Perhaps a little less strident (a good thing), and …


From the red carpet to the blacklist and back again Imagine losing your job for the views you hold. Imagine being imprisoned for membership …


By Mel Gregson The Big Short is a Hollywood comedy about some of the people involved in the US housing market collapse that triggered …


The release of Mockingjay Part 2 – the final instalment of the Hunger Games series – is the most anticipated film this summer. It …


Reviewed by Eljeer Hawkins, CWI in the US The theatrical release and commercial success of Straight Outta Compton, a biographical film that chronicles the …


The Punk Singer is a film about Kathleen Hannah, a musician and feminist best known for her bands Bikini Kill, Le Tigre and The …


Australian director David Michôd’s second film, The Rover, is a bold take on the brutal realities of capitalism. By Chris Dite, Socialist Party Set …


The Rupert Murdoch-owned, Fox News said the Lego Movie’s ‘anti-capitalist’ message is ‘pushing an anti-business message to our kids’. By Socialist Party reporters The …


“Fuck the clients. … Move the money from your client’s pocket into your pocket. … Nobody knows if a stock is gonna go up, …


Reviewed by Eljeer Hawkins, New York “There may be humane masters, as there certainly are inhuman ones – there may be slaves well-clothed, well-fed, …


John Pilger, the renowned investigative journalist and award winning film maker, has recently completed a new film, Utopia, which deals with the subjugation of …


Russell Brand has not covered himself in glory throughout his career so far: from the extreme womanising and sexist attitudes, the presenting of rubbish …


Film by Neill Blomkamp Reviewed by Kat Galea The problem with most dystopian films is that the audience generally leaves the film thinking how …


Unfortunately Pablo Larrain’s film ’No’ tells nothing about the background to Chile’s 1988 plebiscite and the struggle against the regime Tony Saunois, CWI (Committee …


Zero Dark Thirty, directed by Kathryn Bigelow and written by Mark Boal, sets out to depict – but according to Bigelow not necessarily endorse …


“There’s a storm coming”, Selina Kyle (Anne Hathaway) warns billionaire Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) in “The Dark Knight Rises”. “You and your friends better …