Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

South Australia


In late September, South Australia (SA) suffered a state-wide power blackout amid what’s being described as one of the worst storms in 50 years. …


While both the major parties were disappointed with their federal election results, Nick Xenophon emerged elated. There is no doubt that Xenophon managed to …


In April, steel manufacturer Arrium went into voluntary administration, potentially threatening 8,000 jobs – 3,000 in Whyalla, South Australia, where the steelworks are. Arrium …


South Australia and Tasmania held state elections on Saturday March 15. South Australia has been governed by the ALP since 2002 while Tasmania had …


Working class alternative absent in both states Saturday March 20 saw State elections in Australia’s two least populated states, South Australia and Tasmania. South …


Labor State Governments have been re-elected in South Australia and Tasmania yesterday. The uneasy economic upturn (that a section of workers has benefited from …