Magazine of the Socialist Party, Australian section of the CWI

Northern Territory


This year marks the 50th anniversary of an agreement reached between the governments of the United States and Australia to establish the Pine Gap …


The August 27 Northern Territory election saw the conservative Country Liberal Party (CLP) lose power in a landslide. They now hold just two of …


Fifty years ago, 200 Gurindji stock workers, domestic servants and their families withdrew their labour and walked off Baron Vesteys’ Wave Hill cattle station …


In July a damning 4 Corners report exposed numerous acts of abusive behaviour carried out by prison officers against inmates at the Northern Territory’s …


By Jeremy Trott The Turnbull government is trialling a new cashless welfare card in three rural towns in preparation for a planned national roll …


The traditional owners of Muckaty in the Northern Territory celebrated a significant victory last month with the Federal Government abandoning plans to build Australia’s …


John Pilger, the renowned investigative journalist and award winning film maker, has recently completed a new film, Utopia, which deals with the subjugation of …


Last month marked the fifth anniversary of the bipartisan Northern Territory Intervention. Over the last five years the Intervention has not improved living conditions …


Welfare quarantine measures, introduced as part of the racist Northern Territory Intervention, are now to be spread to other parts of Australia. These measures …


Rallies and protests marked four years since the introduction of the Northern Territory Emergency Response Bill’, otherwise known as the ‘NT Intervention’. One banner …


The horrific living conditions faced by many Indigenous people are a blight on Australian capitalism. This article shows that the Northern Territory intervention has …


Federal ALP Resources Minister Martin Ferguson recently announced he intends to pursue plans for a national radioactive waste dump in the Northern Territory (NT), …


Text of leaflet produced by the Socialist Party in Perth The police and military intervention into Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory has already …


No solution to indigenous problems Last month the Howard government rammed the Northern Territory Emergency Response Bill through parliament. The ’emergency legislation’ authorises the …


SP Newsletter No.181 Howard’s police-military operation in the Northern Territory against remote Aboriginal communities has been met with growing scepticism. One recent opinion poll, …


SP Newsletter No.177 The following is a statement produced by SP this week in response to Howard’s attacks on Aboriginal communities. The Howard governments …


Expect protests at ?StolenWealth Games? In May 2005, indigenous activists met at Trades Hall in Melbourne and called for mass protests of Indigenous and …