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No parking? Bizarre car accident outside Wanneroo shops

Hannah Barry

Published: July 7 2017 - 4:52PM

A car has ended up on its side after an accident on Wanneroo Road on Friday afternoon.

The accident is believed to have occurred at around 1pm, when a red car appeared to collide with a utility vehicle at an intersection outside Wanneroo Central.

The car appeared to have flipped onto its side and was resting on a second vehicle.

WA Police were called to the scene at 1.02pm. 

St Johns Ambulance and emergency services were also advised, but it is understood no one was injured in the incident.

WA - Wanneroo Rd northbound at Hastings St, Wanneroo - LEFT AND CENTRE LANES BLOCKED - crash

— TAccidentReport (@TAccidentReport) July 7, 2017

This story was found at: http://www.watoday.com.au/wa-news/no-parking-bizarre-car-accident-outside-wanneroo-shops-20170707-gx73iu.html