NSW Greens set for 'Lee Rhiannon love-in' following suspension

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This was published 7 years ago

NSW Greens set for 'Lee Rhiannon love-in' following suspension

By Sean Nicholls

A meeting of the NSW Greens' peak decision-making body is predicted to be a "love-in" for under-fire Senator Lee Rhiannon as the state division prepares to hit back at her suspension from the federal party room.

The meeting comes as supporters of Senator Rhiannon say the stoush with her federal colleagues has delivered her "a much higher national profile, with a growing national supporter base".

The State Delegates Council meeting on Saturday and Sunday is expected to be dominated by the suspension, which followed Senator Rhiannon's opposition to the Turnbull government's Gonski 2.0 school funding package.

Senator Rhiannon was "excluded from party room discussions and decisions on contentious government legislation" until the NSW Greens end the practice of binding their senators and MPs to vote a particular way.

Greens senator Lee Rhiannon was last month excluded from decisions on contentious policies for the foreseeable future.

Greens senator Lee Rhiannon was last month excluded from decisions on contentious policies for the foreseeable future.Credit: Eddie Jim

Senator Rhiannon came under fire for authorising a leaflet from a local Greens group campaigning against the reform package, while federal leader Richard Di Natale was negotiating with the government.

But Senator Rhiannon has denied doing anything wrong and declared she was "disappointed in Richard's leadership".

Supporters argue the suspension of Senator Rhiannon is unconstitutional and an excuse to try to haul the NSW division into line, given its view that how MPs vote should be guided by the views of the grassroots membership.

A senior Greens source told Fairfax Media the meeting "is going to be a love-in for Lee", but added members would been seeking answers about what led Senator Rhiannon to the position she took on the Gonski package.


"There will be a lot of people there looking for answers as to what decisions were made and by who and how those decisions were communicated to the federal party room," the source said.

A clue to the type of motion likely to be passed by the meeting may be found in the statement issued in response to the suspension decision by NSW Greens co-convenors Debbie Gibson and Tony Hickey.

"We do not believe there is support within the party to change either the Australian Greens or Greens NSW constitutions," they said.

"There is a process for reviewing each constitution, and we are disappointed the federal party room is not following this process."

On Thursday former NSW upper house preselection candidate Bruce Knobloch posted on Facebook that Senator Rhiannon's popularity had surged within the party.


"So it's been 8 days and Lee Rhiannon now has a much higher national profile, with a growing national supporter base and grassroots Greens in NSW and around the country who want a member-driven future are now feeling much more confident, with demoralised former members rejoining," Mr Knobloch wrote.

"Hard to see any upside for [Richard Di Natale] and his team. Unnecessary. Unconstitutional. Unethical. Unwise."

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