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New toast bar Toasted headed for Lonsdale Street, and we can't wait

Sophie Wenderoth

Published: July 8 2017 - 9:02AM

So you think you know toast, Canberra? Forget plain ol' jam toast, we're about to get our very first toast bar.

When Brittany Lindores, 27, and partner Josh Taylor, 26, spotted an available commercial space on Lonsdale Street, they decided it was time to make their toasty dreams a reality.

Opening at the start of August, Toasted will offer, you guessed, toast. In fact, lightly cooked bread will make up the bulk of the new menu.

There'll be the BAE (bacon, avo and egg), a maple, almond butter and jam toast, and of course toasted sandwiches, including a classic ruben with three-cheese.

The toast bar will allow Canberrans to choose a base bread - with gluten free options, naturally - then to top it with whatever they like.

Why toast?

"Why not? Who doesn't love carbs?" Lindores laughed.

"We wanted to take something simple that people can get easily and combine it with fresh, local produce."

It isn't all toast though; coffee, waffles and acai bowls are also on offer to help Lindores and Taylor attract regular customers. 

Already drawing a devoted following across Instagram and Facebook, Toasted will also have its own app, allowing people to order their lightly crisped bread en route to Braddon and simply walk in and pick it up. 

While a toast bar or isn't a new concept (having first hit Australian shores in Melbourne a few years ago), Toasted is Canberra's first.

Toasted is due to open in the Mode 3 building, Lonsdale Street, Braddon, at the end of August.

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