We Create Free WordPress Themes

Browse Themes

Meet our latest WordPress theme - Anima

2 000 000+ downloads

Together, our free WordPress themes have been downloaded over two million times! That's gotta mean something, right?

150 000+ active users

At this moment over 150 000 people are using one of our free themes. We've met a few of them and they're really cool people!

Most popular

So we hear you wanna hang out with all the cool kids. Well, all of our themes are constantly at the top of WordPress.org's list of most popular themes.

Our selection of Free WordPress Themes

Anima Free
Septera Free
Verbosa Free
Fluida Free
Nirvana Free
Tempera Free
View All Themes

Why choose Cryout Creations?

Small team

It's just us, the developers – we don't get middlemen to handle things for us. So whenever you're asking a question on our site, you're getting the answer straight from the creators.

WordPress experience

We have it. Whether in the form of WordPress themes, plugins, custom coding or theme customization, it's what we've been doing for quite a while now. And we love it!

Long lifecycles

We never retire our WordPress themes. We stand behind them all the way. They're constantly updated and upgraded to the latest design trends, web standards and WordPress versions.

No shortcuts

Our free WordPress themes and plugins are live at WordPress.org. That means we're always using core WordPress features and functionality to get things done and that guarantees stability, performance and most importantly – security!

User input

Our creations have always benefited from user feedback. We bring them to life but it's the users that make them shine. New settings, color schemes, minor or even major features are constantly added as a result of this feedback.


There's more than meets the eye with our free WordPress themes. What you see in the screenshots or live demos is but one of the virtually unlimited number of personas you can create using the extensive theme settings included.