- published: 12 Aug 2007
- views: 252467
5.1 surround sound ("five point one") is the common name for six channel surround sound audio systems. 5.1 is the most commonly used layout in home cinema. It uses five full bandwidth channels and one low-frequency effects channel (the "point one").Dolby Digital, Dolby Pro Logic II, DTS, and SDDS are all common 5.1 systems. 5.1 is also the standard surround sound audio component of digital broadcast and music.
All 5.1 systems use the same speaker channels and configuration, having a front left and right, a center channel, two surround channels and a subwoofer.
5.1 dates back to 1976 when Dolby Labs modified the track usage of the six analogue magnetic soundtracks on Todd-AO 70 mm film prints. The Dolby application of 1976 (released on the film, Logan's Run) did not use split surrounds, and thus was not 5.1. Dolby's use of split surrounds, and the introduction of the 5.1 format on optical prints started in 1979 with Apocalypse Now. Instead of the five screen channels and one surround channel of the Todd-AO format, Dolby Stereo 70 mm Six Track provided three screen channels, two surround channels and a low-frequency enhancement channel.
Dolby Digital is the name for audio compression technologies developed by Dolby Laboratories. It was originally named Dolby Stereo Digital until 1994. Except for Dolby TrueHD, the audio compression is lossy. The first use of Dolby Digital was to provide digital sound in cinemas from 35mm film prints. It is now also used for other applications such as HDTV broadcast, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs and game consoles.
Batman Returns was the first film to use Dolby Digital technology when it premiered in theaters in the summer of 1992. Dolby Digital cinema soundtracks are optically recorded on a 35 mm release print using sequential data blocks placed between every perforation hole on the sound track side of the film. A constant bit rate of 320 kbit/s is used. A charge-coupled device (CCD) scanner in the image projector picks up a scanned video image of this area, and a processor correlates the image area and extracts the digital data as an AC-3 bitstream. The data are finally decoded into a 5.1 channel audio source. All film prints with Dolby Digital data also have Dolby Stereo analogue soundtracks using Dolby SR noise reduction and such prints are known as Dolby SR-D prints. The analogue soundtrack provides a fall-back option in case of damage to the data area or failure of the digital decoding; it also provides compatibility with projectors not equipped with digital soundheads. Almost all current release cinema prints are of this type and may also include SDDS data and a timecode track to synchronize CD-ROMs carrying DTS soundtracks.
お使いのヘッドフォンの性能確認等にご利用ください。 game SplinterCell Conviction TPS SoundTest 5.1ch スプリンターセル 若本
昔からやりたかった5.1chサラウンドシステムやってみました!まるで映画館ですね 5.1ch→https://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?__mk_ja_JP=%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A&url;=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords;=5.1ch&rh;=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3A5.1ch チャンネル登録・高評価・Twitterフォロー是非お願いします! 【YouTube】https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0JR9ZTJIvB9VX8xz7LyujA 【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/?lang=ja(@_HiroChannel)
Das offizielle "Dolby Digital - Canyon" Intro, wie es auch auf DVD's zu finden ist. Schaut doch auch mal auf http://www.omaximus.de vorbei.
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2015年8月2日(日)新潟県長岡市信濃川河川敷で開催されました「長岡まつり大花火大会2015」実質グランドフィナーレに当たる、米百俵花火「尺玉100連発」の映像です。 終日煙が邪魔をした2015年の長岡まつり大花火大会1日目でしたが、感動したことは間違いなし。このプログラムがグランドフィナーレを担っておりますので、直径300m以上の尺玉が100発上がると何か寂しさも感じる、そんなプログラムです。 【長岡まつり大花火大会2015 開催概要】 ■開催日:2015年8月2日(日)・3日(月) ■時間:19:25~21:10 ■開催場所:新潟県長岡市/信濃川河川敷 ■打上発数:約20,000発(2日間合計) ■最大号数:30号玉(正三尺玉) ■主要アクセス:JR長岡駅より徒歩約20分 ■駐車場:あり(無料・有料) ■有料観覧席:あり ■ミュージックスターマイン:あり ■オフィシャルサイト:http://nagaokamatsuri.com/ ※上記は全て2015年の情報です 【長岡まつり大花火大会2015 関連動画】 その他動画を保存しました。下記の再生リストもぜひご覧ください! ●長岡まつり大花火大会2015 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1k5bWfWgp19ybYR7eo0ho88wnhq1qq9Z 【5.1chサラウンド録音】 当映像は、高音質機器にて録音した音を使用しています。花火の迫力ある開花音を皆さんの耳元にそのままお届けできるよう、最大限工夫して録音しました。 また市販品以外にも特殊機器を介しているため、他者が再現できない、よりリアルな「日本一迫力ある花火音」に仕上げました。 是非ヘッドフォン・ステレオスピーカー・5.1chサラウンドシステムなど、高低音域・音の広がりが豊かに再現でき...
Talk to me baby, I'm listening
Lay down and tell me what's on your mind
What exactly did he do to make you cry this time
Well, I will be your comforter, I will make it right
He cast a shadow on your heart and I will bring back your light
Come in, I see he's hurt you again, when you are in pain, I'm in pain
That's part of being a friend but this is a special case
I held my feelings back because of him and now I can see it more than ever
I made a big big big, big mistake
I don't mean to disregard your feelings but I think that he's a fool
He don't know how sensitive you are and baby that just ain't cool
I'm just glad, I can be there for you when you need a helping hand
When deep inside my heart from the start I know I should've been your man
Lay down and tell me what's on your mind
What exactly did he do to make you cry this time
Well, I will be your comforter, I will make it right
He cast a shadow on your heart and I will bring back your light
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
I will comfort, comfort, comfort you
I will comfort, I will comfort you
Lay down and tell me what's on your mind
What exactly did he do to make you cry this time
Well, I will be your comforter, I will make it right