- published: 29 Jun 2012
- views: 241526
Kulturen is a museum in Lund, Sweden. Kulturen is Sweden's second oldest open-air museum after Skansen in Stockholm. The complete name of the museum is Kulturhistoriska föreningen för södra Sverige.
Kulturen was founded in 1892 by local historian, Georg Karlin who also was the managing director until 1933. Karlin was a contemporary of Arthur Hazelius who had opened the open-air museum Skansen just a year before. Skansen had become the model for other open-air museums in Northern Europe.
Georg Karlin saw the old farming society disappearing and wanted to preserve its buildings, together with tools, furniture and clothes of the time. Karlin also rescued objects from the medieval period in Lund. In the 1890s, when the city dug its first sewers, he began to collect the finds from the excavations. Through a generous donation, Karlin was also able to acquire a farm in Östarp east of Lund in the 1920s. He created a museum in the middle of the existing cultural landscape.
The main museum is located near the historic Lund Cathedral. The museum consists of a traditional museum together with an open-air museum with over 30 different buildings. Kulturen has a large and unique collection of more than two million items, including an important collection of historic jewellery from the traditional province of Scania.
Mesopotamien Die ältesten archäologischen Besiedlungsspuren lassen sich für die Mitte des 11. Jahrtausends v. Chr. am mittleren Euphrat in Mureybet nachweisen, wo beigesetzte Stierschädel in Rundhäusern gefunden wurden. Es kann mit Sicherheit angenommen werden, dass ähnliche Verhältnisse in benachbarten Regionen vorlagen, da die Art der Funde die typischen Anzeichen des gesamten Mesopotamiens repräsentieren. Ab dem 10. Jahrtausend v. Chr. sind modellierte Frauenfigurinen zu finden.
Nach dem Niedergang Roms erwachte Italien erst im 11. Jahrhundert wieder und die einzelnen Republiken begannen ihre Städte wieder aufzubauen. Im späten 15. und 16. Jahrhundert bildeten sich Allianzen unter den Stadt-Staaten und ausländische Mächte streckten ihre Klauen nach Italien aus. Frankreich, Spanien und das Heilige Römische Reich kämpften gegeneinander und die Türken lagen vor der Küste Venedigs.
Interessante Doku über die Entwicklung der Zivilisation im Allgemeinen und die Unterschiede im Zivilisationsniveau aufgrund geografischer Gegebenheiten.
Der 29-jährige Zuma Katjiuonga lebt zwei Leben: in Namibias Hauptstadt Windhoek arbeitet er als Beleuchter für einen regionalen Fernsehsender. Er führt ein modernes Leben und hat seit zwei Jahren eine feste Beziehung. Doch er gehört auch zum Nomadenstamm der Himba und fühlt sich dieser Tradition verpflichtet. Lesen Sie mehr unter: http://www.dw.de/programm/global-3000/s-11486-9801
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Kaya Yanar ist in seinem Beruf viel unterwegs, wo er auf viele Sprachen, Dialekte und Kulturen trifft, die er nur allzu gut nachzumachen weiß. Ganze Sendung: http://www.ringlstetter.tv
Die Maya waren nicht nur geistig sehr anspruchsvoll, sondern auch gnadenlose Kriegsherren, die mit Blutrünstigkeit, Machtstreben und politischen Intrigen reichlich gesegnet waren.
Die Geschichte des aztekischen Reiches ist von Mythen und Legenden umwoben. In weniger als 200 Jahren haben sie sich von einem Volk wandernder Nomaden zu einer der beeindruckendsten Zivilisationen der neuen Welt entwickelt. Dank ihres Erfindungsreichtums bauten sie ihre Hauptstadt an einem Ort, an dem unter normalen Umständen nicht einmal ein Dorf entstanden wäre. Doch dann kamen 1519 die spanischen Eroberer. Doku, Dokumentation, Servus Tv
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Kulturen in Lund - a day in March 2016 just before opening
Ganze Reihe hier: http://neanderpeople.npage.de/terra-x-raetsel-alter-weltkulturen.html In dieser Folge entdeckt das Terra-X-Team die über 5000 Jahre alte Valdivia-Kultur, die die Genesis der Zivilisation in Ecuador und später der altamerikanischen Hochkulturen mitbestimmt hat. Maisanbau, Tempelstädte und meisterhafte Keramiken sind nur einige der verblüffenden Leistungen der damaligen Bewohner Ecuadors. Erst als im Jahre 1531 spanische Konquistadoren von den Gestaden Mittelamerikas ins Inka-Reich vordrangen, war dies das Ende einer eigenständigen Entwicklung der indianischen Welt.
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Tipps fürs Wochenende 2817 Spezial: Von 18 Uhr bis Mitternacht wird am Freitag, dem 14. Juli die zweite Sommernacht der Kulturen in Neustadt gefeiert. „Bühne frei“ an 45 verschiedenen Kultur-Orten in der Innenstadt und rund um den Hafen. Über 60 Künstler an 45 Orten
Vortrag von Dr. Dominique Görlitz beim MysterienZyklus in Bichwil im Haus FOSTAC. Wieder ein hochspannender Vortrag aus der Reihe MysterienZyklus. Der Experimentalarchäologe, Abenteurer und Historiker Dr. Dominique Görlitz berichtet über seine wunderschöne, aber auch lebensbedrohliche Fahrt über den Atlantik mit einem steinzeitlichen Schilfboot. Es herrschte eine ungeheure Spannung bei seinem lebhaften Vortrag, den er mit vielen Filmclips und Bildern anreicherte. Und doch blieben bei den Zuschauern noch viele Fragen offen, wie und warum man ein solches Abenteuer unternimmt und die Herausforderungen besteht. Leider können unsere Zuschauer hier auf Quer-Denken nicht mehr persönlich und vor Ort bei Dominique Görlitz nachfragen, wie in Bichwil – aber den mitreißenden Vortrag hier doch ansehen!...
Morocco Travel Guide 2016, Morocco Tourism & Vacations 2016, Morocco Trip 2016 Travel Videos HD, World Travel Guide http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=World1Tube Morocco is a North African country that has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. It has borders with Western Sahara to the south, Algeria to the east and the Spanish North African territories of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast in the north. It is just across the Strait of Gibraltar from Gibraltar. See in Morocco ================== At just a few hours from the main European cities, Morocco has everything to overwhelm you with the amazing colors, smells and sounds of Islamic Africa. Imagine bustling souqs and spice markets, stunning mosques, white-washed sea side to...
https://www.expedia.com/Lombok.d11999.Destination-Travel-Guides When you arrive in Lombok, you’ll immediately see why this island in the Indonesian archipelago is lovingly called “Bali’s little sister.” Lombok is located between Bali and Sumbawa, and its easy accessibility has made it a gem of a vacation destination. The island is home to just over 3 million inhabitants, and your tour of Lombok will reveal a quiet, relaxing place to spend a getaway. You’ll realize it as soon as you step outside the island’s high-tech international terminal; once the doors close behind you, you’ll wonder if you’ve traveled back in time. Life moves a little slower in Lombok. Senggigi Beach, a resort town, is a popular home base for those who are exploring the island. From there, you can easily reach seve...
Mitten in Südostasien liegt Malaysia. Ein Land so vielfältig im Bezug auf die Natur, den Glauben und die Menschen. Über mehrere Wochen sind wir in diese bunte Welt eingetaucht und möchten nun die Bilder mit euch teilen, die wir wohl nie wieder vergessen werden. Blog: http://www.thetraveltellers.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/The-Travel-Tellers-1560146537573261/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thetraveltellers/
http://www.expedia.com/New-Orleans.d178292.Destination-Travel-Guides Come on down to New Orleans, better known as The Big Easy. Dive headfirst into a melting pot of French, African, and Brazilian culture meshed with many different religions, foods, and of course jazz. Let the good times roll in the French Quarter, the birthplace of jazz, when you visit its numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants. To really kick up your partying skills a notch, head to Bourbon Street, where festivals and late nights are a way of life. For a slightly more sedate New Orleans sightseeing trip, visit Jackson Square, where you can tour historic buildings like the beautiful St. Louis Cathedral. Plan a trip to Memorial Hall and learn about the Civil War, or walk through Lafayette Cemetery to see one of the countr...
Bolivia, a landlocked South American country, holds the promise of discovery for adventurous souls. While pretty Sucre, “La Ciudad Blanca,” is Bolivia’s judicial capital, La Paz is its political capital and also its main tourist hub. On the Mirador at Laikacota, you get a feel for how incredibly high up in the Andes this city sits. Deep in the valley below lies the central Plaza Murillo, home to the most precious buildings: the Presidential Palace, National Congress and Metropolitan Cathedral. Most visitors stay near the Plaza San Francisco, because of its proximity to hidden gems, such as the curious Witches’ Market, the Musical Instrument Museum and the Coca Museum. Around La Paz, you can ride down “El Camino de la Muerte," hike through the lunar landscape of Valle de la Luna and great...
https://www.expedia.com/Bali.d602651.Destination-Travel-Guides Bali, located between the islands of Java and Lombok, is ready to welcome you. The southern part of the island is a dream for anyone who loves the ocean; it is full of breathtaking beaches and top surfing spots. Visit Kuta, a one-time fishing village turned mecca for restaurants, shopping, and culture. Put on your flip-flops and head north to tranquil Seminyak, where you can grab a bite to eat before exploring the beautiful Petitenget Temple, a fascinating space originally built to ward off mischievous local spirits. Any Bali sightseeing should include Ubud, the cultural capital of the island. Walk through stalls and galleries spotlighting the work of local artisans. You can also make friends with the varied wildlife at Bal...
https://www.expedia.com/Cook-Islands.d41.Destination-Travel-Guides Situated at the very centre of Polynesia, the Cook Islands is an archipelago nation comprised of 15 islands. It is spread across an area in the South Pacific, three times the size of Texas.. Supremely beautiful, with pristine white sands fringed by coconut palms, the Cook Islands possess a castaway island magic and yet is only a four hour flight from New Zealand. According to legend, these tiny islands, dotted amongst the vast ocean, were discovered thousands of years ago by the very finest Polynesian seafarers. Guided by the stars and using other sophisticated navigation techniques, they landed their legendary double hulled Vakas and set about creating paradise. It is a rhythm you’ll feel as soon as you touch down in...
Semestertestaren Valle Westesson reser till Lund och experimenterar på Vattenhallen Science Center, ser sig runt i domkyrkan, besöker Kulturen och upplever hur det var att bo förr. Get a free, updated Skåne Travel Guide: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Sweden/SKANE Book your tickets: http://www.arrivalguides.com/en/Travelguides/Europe/Sweden/SKANE/buytickets
"Das kleine Land Belize nimmt hinsichtlich seiner Kultur und Geschichte eine Sonderstellung unter den Ländern Mittelamerikas ein. Die parlamentarische Monarchie war vor ihrer Unabhängigkeit eine britische Kolonie. Daher ist Englisch dort auch die offizielle Amtssprache. Aber die indianische und die afrikanische Kultur sind im Vielvölkergemisch Belizes weiterhin lebendig geblieben. Ein Großteil der Einwohner Belizes stammt von den Maya ab, während die Garifuna stolz auf ihre afrokaribischen Wurzeln sind. Der Ursprung der Volksgruppe geht auf das Jahr 1635 zurück, in dem zwei Sklaventransporter vor der Karibikinsel St. Vincent Schiffbruch erlitten. Die Inselbewohner, Arawak-Indianer, nahmen die Überlebenden auf, und die beiden Bevölkerungsgruppen verschmolzen miteinander. Beeindruckend sind...
https://www.expedia.com/Yosemite-National-Park.d180672.Destination-Travel-Guides Yosemite National Park sits on the western slopes of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains. Most visitors spend their time in Yosemite Valley, which despite being only 7 miles long and 1 mile wide, packs in more jaw-dropping scenery than just about any other place on Earth. Near the valley entrance stop at Tunnel View, and stand before a panorama that’s reduced generations of visitors to silence. From Tunnel View it’s just a short drive to Bridalveil Fall. Fed by snowmelt, the fall reaches its thundering peak in May. The Yosemite Valley ring road follows the banks of the Merced River, which shifts in character as it thunders from the valley walls, before gently winding across the valley floor. The ring r...
https://www.expedia.com/Vancouver.d178315.Destination-Travel-Guides Vancouver’s breezes carry the scents of nature and aromas of all the urban delights you’d expect from a city regularly voted, “the Worlds most livable”. The city takes its name from the British navigator who landed here in 1792. The original settlement was called “Gastown”, in honor of Gassy Jack, who built the city’s first tavern. Gassy Jack and his makeshift pub may be long gone, but in the historic neighborhood of Gastown, his spirit lingers on. Vancouver’s early history continues at Waterfront Station, the western terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The railway’s construction brought Chinese workers by the thousands, whose descendants have enriched Vancouver ever since. Experience this interweaving of cultu...
Welcome to Darwin, the capital of Australia’s Northern Territory. Also known as “The Top End,” Darwin perches on the Timor Sea, giving it striking views of the ocean. Due to its distance from other Australian cities, it is somewhat isolated, leading to a real sense of small-town community despite its status as a large city. Get a taste of this community during your Darwin tour by stopping at the Mindil Beach Markets; on Thursdays and Sundays, you can run into almost half the city as residents turn out to shop at the various vendors and devour local multicultural cuisine. Your Darwin sightseeing will likely take you to the Darwin Museum and Art Gallery, which is full of Australian culture and artwork. After that, get outdoors at Crocadylys Park, which is filled with Darwin’s legendary sal...
http://www.expedia.com/San-Antonio.d178303.Destination-Travel-Guides Welcome to San Antonio, one of America’s top travel destinations. Start your San Antonio sightseeing with a tour of 18th century Spanish missions and several iconic attractions by the Paseo del Rio, also known as the River Walk. The River Walk is accessible by vintage trolleys or even river taxis that will offer you a unique view of this thriving downtown. Indulge in TexMex and European food from the restaurants strewn across the city. When you’re ready to continue your San Antonio tour, you can spend hours wandering the San Antonio Museum of Art, which is housed in an old brewery. Ready for some sunshine? Head to Market Square to enjoy live performances, merchant stalls full of goods to purchase, and a perfect opportu...
Come join us as we visit Krakow, Poland in this travel guide as we cover the top attractions and best things to do in Kraków in terms of museums, restaurants, shopping, castles and churches worth visiting. From Wawel Castle to the Old Town and Kazimierz to Planty Park you'll find Krakow charming as you meander through its attractive streets and squares. With legendary nightlife, a flourishing food scene and plenty of green space Kraków feels just as much like a city as it does a town. We ended up coming for a week and wanting to stay for an entire month. Krakow truly won us over and in this travel guide I think you'll find out why. 20 Things to do in Krakow City Tour | Poland Travel Guide: Intro - 00:00 1) Wawel Castle (Zamek Królewski na Wawelu) - 00:27 2) Vistula River walk for exe...
Arne Krasting is a historian and tour guide. His three tips are all journeys into the past - the Admiralspalast, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, and the Karl-Marx-Allee boulevard.
https://www.expedia.com/Cape-Town.d6046820.Destination-Travel-Guides Cape Town sits on South Africa’s Cape Peninsula, where the waters of the Atlantic and Indian Oceans converge. Begin your adventure at The Castle of Good Hope, the centerpoint from which the city grew. Nearby you’ll find Company’s Garden, the Parliament Building, and the South African Museum. Don’t miss the District Six Museum, which gives voice to the 60,000 non-white residents who saw their vibrant multi-racial neighborhood flattened during the darkest days of the Apartheid era. One neighborhood that was spared from apartheid’s wrecking ball is Bo-Kaap, where traditional Cape Malay culture continues amid the row houses of this colorful hillside suburb. Visit the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront, and explore attr...
https://www.expedia.com/Auckland.d178233.Destination-Travel-Guides With 1.5 million lucky people calling Auckland home, this North Island gem is the most populous city in New Zealand. Auckland tourism is quite diverse, giving visitors a bounty of choices for how to spend their time. The city marries modern buildings and art with nature, and the surrounding region has plenty of its own attractions to offer. Auckland is called the City of Sails, boasting more boats per capita than anywhere else in the world. Nestled between two natural harbors, it’s no wonder residents and visitors alike enjoy spending time on the water. After a breakfast in Elliott Stables, take off on a boat cruise from downtown to explore the sights of Hauraki Gulf. With your feet back on solid ground, enjoy Auckland ...
Uruguay is emerging as one of South America’s favorite destinations. Its capital Montevideo has a warm, temperate climate, pleasant sea breezes and miles of boulevards. From Montevideo’s Telecommunications Tower you can see the hill that gave the city its name. Another tower, the Palacio Salvo looms high above the Plaza Independencia in the City Center. Under this square is the mausoleum for the country’s revolutionary hero José Artigas. Nearby Plaza Matriz is the city’s oldest square and home to the 18th-century Metropolitan Cathedral, the focal point of Uruguay’s Old Town. Soccer is big here and in 1930 Uruguay hosted and won the first-ever FIFA World Cup in the Estadio Centenario. Another proud local tradition is “parrilla" and the best way to try it is to buy cuts of meat in the M...
One day in Trieste, Italy (what to visit) The Province of Trieste is situated towards the end of a narrow strip of land in southeast Friuli Venezia Giulia, between the Adriatic Sea and Italy's border with Slovenia. This is an extraordinary destination for its historic treasures, artworks and its middle-European character. Off Trieste's coast is its broad Gulf, with numerous tiny bays, small harbors and breathtaking reefs; and of course Miramare Castle is accompanied by the splendid blue of the sea.The area of #Trieste is characterized by the steep karstic landscape continually revealing different, amazing and charming features. Close to the coast is a rocky moor with Mediterranean vegetation, where the Bora wind blows, while inland are hills with hollows and scrubs. Protected areas include...
Wake up
We will not surrender
To anyone at anytime
We will not surrender
Our hearts and minds will never die
Used be the one
Who said these words repeatedly
Now look what you’ve become
A part of them the fucking enemy
Open your eyes
Look what you’ve done to yourself
Open your eyes
Look what you’ve done to me
All I wanted was to be just like you
All I wanted was to see what you’d do
But now your breaking down
Slowly into dust inside of me
We will not surrender
To anyone at anytime
We will not surrender
Our hearts and minds will never die
Used to have a pact
To always have each others backs
But look what you have done
You turned it into a fucking tragedy
Inside I know your there
So help me to believe (help me to believe)
All I wanted was to be just like you
All I wanted was to see what you’d do
But now your breaking down
Slowly into dust inside of me
All I wanted was to be just like you
All I wanted was to see what you’d do
But now your breaking down
Slowly into dust inside of me
Inside of me
Inside of me
Inside of me