Thursday Night Open Thread

What’s the oldest movie you’ve ever seen?

I like me some old movie. A lot of people don’t. I suppose they think that no good ideas existed before they were born. That’s just silly. Or, maybe they just don’t like black and white films. Whatever, not everyone likes old movies. But some old movies are great.

So, what’s the oldest movie you’ve ever seen? Well, it’s about to be the first movie ever.

No plot, because it wasn’t a movie with a plot and such. Just a photographic record of something.

[The YouTube]

So, what do you think? Tell me. And remember, this is for posterity so be honest. How do you feel?

Or, do you have something totally unrelated to talk about? Because, it’s not Answer Basil’s Question time. It’s Thursday Night Open Thread time. Whatever is on your mind, this is the place.

Who wants to start?

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I Call Him Dwight

Strapped for cash, the DC Metro transportation system is considering selling their train station naming rights.

I’m really hoping Trump buys them and names them all “Make America Great Again” plus a number.

[title reference link]

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My Idea of a Costume Is Throwing a Sheet Over My Head and Calling Myself a Ghost

[Costume Design: The Hidden Layer of Movie Magic] (Viewer #242,138)

At a certain level, I always notice this, but I also almost never think about it consciously.

I like their contrast between Gene Wilder’s Willy Wonka and Johnny Depp’s. I hadn’t thought about that particular point before.

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Link of the Day: I’ll Take Anything That Gets Us Out of Obama’s Hole

[High Praise! to The Burrard Street Journal]

Satire – Trump Promises Supporters ‘America Will Go Out On Top’ When World Ends Next Year

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

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It Was So Weird… Suddenly His Eyes Turned Into Twin Spinning Beachballs

The US military is funding a series of projects designed to plug human brains directly into a computer.

Huh… getting a “Blue Screen of Death” just got a lot scarier.

[title reference link]

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Promoted Comment: If Liberals Treated Cancer Like Illegal Immigrants

[High Praise! to Oppo]

Dr. Liberal sez:
“Cancer cells aren’t invaders, they’re just undocumented host cells celebrating their own unique DNA. No cell is ‘malignant’! Don’t think of them as taking resources from healthy cells, they’re just doing the metastacizing healthy cells won’t. Celebrate the chance-to-die-versity! #BlackLungsMatter (Please stop with the “All Cells Matter” mindset.)”

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Straight Line of the Day: Weird Trend: Super-Rich People Are Buying…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Weird trend: super-rich people are buying

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The Illustrated Frank J: And They’re Doing Less and Less of That First Part


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It Compels Me

Latest trend: people getting exorcisms instead of going to the doctor.

Might be necessary, since with Obamacare, the devil is in the details.

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Cartoon of the Day – Proof

[Mike Lester – GoComics]

I’d be beating my head against a desk if I hadn’t long ago accepted the complete idiocy of the MSM.

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Wednesday Night Open Thread

We don’t have flying cars. We were promised flying cars by now. I’m not happy.

On the other hand, maybe it’s perfectly okay that we don’t have flying cars. Because if we had flying cars, people would be killing each other all the time. After all, the people who invented the airplane killed a guy.

[The YouTube]

While we don’t have flying cars, we have something even better. We have Wednesday Night Open Thread. Why is that better? Well, you folks come up with some great stuff. And, we never killed a guy. As far as you know.

Anyway, jokes, wisdom, just stuff, whatever, it should be fun.

Who wants to start?

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They Get Those Powerful Unseen Spirits Confused

A new survey shows that 25% of Americans do not believe in God.

The part of America that voted for Hillary seems to believe we elected the Devil, though.

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If I’d Have Found This Last Week, I’d Have Posted It Last Week

[via The People’s Cube]

[Awkward Exes: Britain & America 1776 – The Breakup (by We Are Thomasse)] (Viewer #9,372)

The acting was so-so, but I liked that the dialogue had lots of references where I could go “I see what you did there”. So… more clever than funny, but I’m OK with that.

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Link of the Day: Satire – North Korea Agrees to Trade Away Nuclear Weapons for Krispy Kreme Franchise

[High Praise! to DuffelBlog]

North Korea agrees to trade away nuclear weapons for Krispy Kreme franchise

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

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My Weekly Crime

A new report suggests that by 2030, people won’t own cars anymore, instead getting rides from on-demand autonomous electric vehicles.

Probably true, with the exception of monster trucks and Red Barchettas.

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