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Racist Alt-Right Group ‘Proud Boys’ Growing in Albany, NY

Update:Ā Since the original version of this article appeared onĀ Love and Rage,Ā Lark Tattoo has reported that the Proud Boys discussed in this article no longer...

From La ZAD with Love

In this episode of the IGDCAST, we catch up with long time radio show and podcastĀ The Final Straw,Ā who has been producing high quality anarchist...

How “Based Stickman” & Proud Boys are Working with Neo-Nazis in...

Everyday brings us another story of growing far-Right insurgency and violence in defense of the crumbling illegitimacy of the Trump administration and the systems...

No More Deaths: The Status of our Work in the Desert

No More Deaths has not stopped any of our humanitarian-aid efforts. A recent news report stated that we have closed our aid station in...

Hamburg vs. the State: How the City is Fighting Back and...

Despite massive police violence, crackdowns, and raids, over 100K people have mobilized in Hamburg, Germany against the world's leading neoliberal politicians and bankers to...

Kite Line Radio Episodes #47-49

Kite Line #47:Ā Toxic in Texas Listen and DownloadĀ Here This week takes us to Texas, where we hear from Candice Bernd, speaking at the 2nd Fight Toxic...

Driscoll’s Boycott Movement Continues and Grows

This is a friendly reminder from your comrades at the Good Earth Workers Union that the call to boycott the multi-national corporation known as...

From Pittsburgh to DC: Drop the Charges!

Today in Pittsburgh, the 11 comrades arrested for allegedly demonstrating in solidarity with striking inmates at the Allegheny County Jail are scheduled to waste...

An Open Letter to Liberals & Progressives from the Black Bloc

The deep state isn't coming to save us.Ā Trump isn't going anywhere and it seems clear that the elites have no desire to remove him.Ā Meanwhile...

Dane Powell, J20 Prisoner: Interview

Dane Powell, a J20 defendant, was sentenced in D.C. Superior Court this morning to serve 4 months of two 36 month sentences, with 2...

Elgin, IL: Two Banner Drops in Solidarity with J20 Defendants

On the night of July 6th, in a small act of solidarity with the over 200 people being prosecuted in DC, some comrades from...

The Police Lost Tonight in Hamburg: First Day of Resistance to...

While the city of Hamburg is slowly quieting down, there are still many streets on which demonstrators continue to keep the police at bay,...

Why Do We Oppose the G20? What Do We Want Instead?

Some organizations are protesting at the G20 summit in Hamburg to express opposition to specific G20 policies: the ongoing colonial exploitation of Africa, government...

CrimethInc. and Unicorn Riot Report Live from G20 Anti-Capitalist March

Both CrimethInc. and Unicorn Riot are reporting live from the anti-G20 mobilizations in Hamburg, Germany where a militant anti-capitalist march of about 10K is...

Terrorist Threats: New Jersey, Antifa, the Far-Right, & Robert W. Kerekes

On June 12th, the New Jersey Department of Homeland Security declared anarchists and antifa, along with a hodge-podge of far-Right, Alt-Right, and neo-Nazi groups,...

A Spectacle of Violence: Trump, Fascism, & the Media

It appears the mainstream media has finally picked up on the antifascist movement in America, and their reaction has been just as uninformed and...

Portland, OR: July 4th Noise Demo at Juvenile Detention Center

Tonight a small group folks met at the juvenile detention center atĀ 1401 NE 68th Ave in Portland, OR for a noise demo. We came...

Tendencies of the Trumpocalypse

By Jeff Shantz The rise of Trump and more importantly the far-Right movements around him raise some questions about the nature of the Trumpocalypse (and...

Mexico: Autonomous Community of Xayakalan Defends Land and Life

Under heavy rains, two busloads of people and dozens of others traveling in cars or public transportation came together in the community of Xayakalan...

3 Reasons Why We Need a More Revolutionary July 4th

By Tariq Khan 1. The Declaration of Independence is a document based on settler colonialism and genocide. If we read the Declaration of Independence in high...

P4P Weekly Report: The Ten Trump Commandments

On this weekā€™s report we tackle the rampant and completely unfettered nature of mass police repression all across the nation. We take on this...
Update:Ā Since the original version of this article appeared onĀ Love and Rage,Ā Lark Tattoo has reported that the Proud Boys discussed in this article no longer work there. Read more here.Ā  Various social media accounts in New York Stateā€™s Capital District Region centered around anarchist and anti-capitalist causes have reported a growing...
Today in Pittsburgh, the 11 comrades arrested for allegedly demonstrating in solidarity with striking inmates at the Allegheny County Jail are scheduled to waste a perfectly good Friday in court. We dropped this banner in hopes that a few of yinz might see it on your way downtown. We...
No More Deaths has not stopped any of our humanitarian-aid efforts. A recent news report stated that we have closed our aid station in Arivaca, Arizona and that those in need are being turned away. This is false: the aid station is open and volunteers continue to give care...
Today in Pittsburgh, the 11 comrades arrested for allegedly demonstrating in solidarity with striking inmates at the Allegheny County Jail are scheduled to waste a perfectly good Friday in court. We dropped this banner in hopes that a few of yinz might see it on your way downtown. We...
Everyday brings us another story of growing far-Right insurgency and violence in defense of the crumbling illegitimacy of the Trump administration and the systems of patriarchy and white supremacy. Ongoing acts of arson and vandalism against mosques, Jewish cemeteries and places of worship, threats of violence and attempts at...
Some organizations are protesting at the G20 summit in Hamburg to express opposition to specific G20 policies: the ongoing colonial exploitation of Africa, government pandering to profiteering financial institutions, rampant environmental destruction hastening climate change. As anarchists, we are concerned about all of these problems, but we believe it...