Top ten political lookalikes presents the world's top ten political lookalikes!

1 I wanna be elected! 2005 Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry, and Clash of the Titans' Calibos, Lord of the Marsh

Kerry Calibos

2 Ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight? British PM Tony Blair and Batman's nemesis the Joker
Blair Joker

3 Welease Bwian! "Anarchist" copper Brian Paddick, and Life of Brian's Pontius Pilate

Pilate Paddick

4 Jahwohl! Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler and cleanliness fascist Mr Fussy

Fussy Hitler

5 Fighting talk. WWF wrestling manager Pall Bearer and Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott

Bearer Prescott

6 Report to my office! Foreign secretary and ex-Communist Jack Straw, and the Demon Headmaster

Headmaster Straw

7 Workers of the world - unite! Communist theoretician Karl Marx and dictator Saddam Hussein
Hussein Marx

8 Fantastic two. Marvel comics The Thing, and former Northern Ireland secretary Mo Mowlam
Thing Mowlam

9 Rogue states. Prolific anarchist intellectual Noam Chomsky and porn baron Hugh Hefner
Hefner Chomsky

10 ...the same thing we do every night Pinky - try to take over the world! A deranged scheming creature with plans for world domination. And The Brain, from Warner Brothers cartoon Pinky and the Brain (of course the one on the left is really US Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice)
Brain Rice

Compiled with the help of the posters of urban75

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  • Comments

    the button
    Jan 9 2017 10:38

    Norris from Coronation Street

    Adorno from Frankfurt

    Jan 9 2017 13:57

    john sununu


    Jan 9 2017 14:37

    Another new one:

    the button
    Jan 9 2017 14:42

    Inhuman monster


    Jan 9 2017 14:52

    reminds me that one of the Jehovah's Witnesses haunting my former neighbourhood in Hamburg during the early/mid 1990ies looked exactly like Günter Verheugen 10 years earlier

    Jan 9 2017 14:52


    Jan 9 2017 15:44
    Entdinglichung wrote:
    reminds me that one of the Jehovah's Witnesses haunting my former neighbourhood in Hamburg during the early/mid 1990ies looked exactly like Günter Verheugen 10 years earlier

    You never cease to disappoint in making the most obscure references Entdinglichung