
Futerfas, Natan Iakovlevich (1896-1937)

Futerfas 2nd left, Lanti, Nekrasov , Demidjuk to his right

A short biography of Natan Futerfas, Esperantist and anarchist

Rudolph Vrba - Escapee from Auschwitz by Anthony Skelton and Carmelo Lisciotto

The story of Rudolph Vrba, an escapee from Auschwitz who co-authored the Vrba-Wetzler report, AKA The Auschwitz Protocol. Reproduced from HolocaustResearchProject.org.

Louise Michel: a Paris Communard in South London

Louise Michel

An article covering time spent in London by the former Paris communard, Louise Michel.

Everlasting Murder

A contemporary anarchist response to the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire, 1911.

Postnikov, Vasily Matveyevich (1894-1937)

Vasily Postnikov

A short biography of Russian anarchist Vasily Postnikov

Homegrown Communism - recollections of the Young Communist League in 1930s Brisbane - by Ron Brown

Ron Brown remembers his times with the Young Communist League in Brisbane during the 1930s.

Secret Handshakes and Health Care in Australia

A booklet published by The Grand United Order of Oddfellows telling the story of how health services spread around Australia through the 'lodge network' and enabled working people to insure themselves against sickness, death and unemployment.

Body Snatchers- The Theft of Radical's Body Parts.

Originally provided by the Question Mark Collective as part of an anthology on Australian Troublemakers, a few examples of the ruling bodies of Australia desecration and denigration of those who opposed them.

African Americans campaign for desegregation of department store eating facilities in Kansas City, Missouri, 1958-59

A summary of the public boycott of department stores in Kansas City that took place in order to desegregate the dining halls within them. The boycott lasted from 19th December 1958 until 9th February 1959.

Australian Draft Resistance and the Vietnam War - statements by Michael Matteson and Geoff Mullen

An overview of anarchist involvement in the Australian anti-war movement by Takver.com followed by two articles in the form of statements by Michael Matteson and Geoff Mullen, who were both imprisoned for draft resistance.