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G20: Donald Trump takes the Turnbulls for a ride in The Beast

James Massola

Published: July 8 2017 - 7:33PM

Hamburg: As G20 protesters set fire to parts of the city on Friday night, Malcolm and Lucy Turnbull took refuge in the safest ride in the city of Hamburg.

Five-inch thick bullet proof glass, Kevlar tyres, rocket-propelled grenades, tear gas cannons, a litre of the President's own blood type, an oxygen tank and pump action shotguns protected the Australian Prime Minister and his wife when they took a ride in the car better known as The Beast with Donald and Melania Trump.

The eight-tonne "Beast" - which costs a cool $1.5 million per car - is the President's four-wheeled transport, which follows him around the world.

The Turnbulls and the Trumps took a ride in it on Friday night after the first full day of the G20 meeting, in which terrorism, trade, North Korea's nuclear ambitions and climate change figured prominently.

The two couples joined the other leaders of the world's 20 richest nations at the Elbphilharmonie for a night listening to Ludwig Van Beethoven's 9th Symphony - German Chancellor Angela Merkel's personal selection.

Earlier in the day, Mr Turnbull and Mr Trump had had a minute or three together as world leaders gabbled and gathered for the so-called "family photo".

That short discussion centred on counter-terrorism and how to tackle North Korea.

The shadow of North Korea, Syria, and Islamic State hung heavy over the meeting and the eyes of the world were focused on the first ever face-to-face meeting between Mr Trump and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

But as the summit's first day drew to a close, and the horse-trading and glad-handing of international diplomacy wound down, Australia's Prime Minister spontaneously joined the US President for a quick ride through Hamburg's shut-down streets in the Beast.

Quite what the quartet discussed - just a few short weeks after Mr Turnbull's uncanny Trump impersonation was leaked, is not yet clear.

But it's a sure bet that Mr Turnbull's key political advisers were delighted by the symbolism of the unpredictable US President's decision to invite Australia's head of government for a ride to a concert and an end-of-day chat.

Beethoven's 9th is a hymn to humanity, peace and international understanding.

While the G20 members might hope the summit can achieve all that and more, the chances are Mr Turnbull will settle for a chance to bend the President's ear.

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