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Daily Life

Yes, it matters that you're sexually attracted to your partner

  • Johanna Leggatt

Of all the recurring themes that pop up in internet forums and agony aunt columns, the sexual attraction letter is among the most common.

It usually goes something like this: "I have been with my partner for XX years and he is an excellent provider/father/all-round top guy. The only problem is I don't find him sexually attractive."

'Why settle for someone you see more as a friend than a lover?' Photo: Stocksy

The letter ends with the woman – and it's largely women who seek advice on these matters – asking whether her relationship can survive without sexual chemistry.

My answer would be yes, but why would you want it to?  Why settle for someone you see more as a friend than a lover?

The problem is women are especially susceptible to settling. We are often told that there is a paucity of decent men out there and we are incomplete without a relationship. We need other women, such as Kate Bolick in her remarkable work Spinster and Rebecca Traister in All the Single Ladies to remind us that it's better being single than in a tepid, unsatisfying relationship.

I have lost count of the amount of times I have overheard people telling girlfriends of mine that they are lucky to find such a good guy to spend their life with. It's rare, however, for the compliment to flow in the other direction.

There are plenty of therapists and self-help authors who warn women not to dismiss a relationship simply because they don't find their partner attractive, the silent imputation being that women should settle for what scraps of decency they can find.  Go for the nice bloke. The dependable one. The friend you have never thought of "in that way".

Nothing wrong with nice blokes, of course, but there is something wrong with hooking up with one you don't find attractive.

While sexual chemistry alone isn't enough to sustain a romance in the long-term, it's most certainly a crucial ingredient and the absence of it can handicap a relationship. The relationship may limp on for years, a lifetime in fact, but it will be pockmarked with doubt, regrets, frustration and maybe even an affair or two.

I have acquaintances who have formed relationships against their better judgment in the mistaken belief that they could always improve on their connection in the bedroom over time, that it was something they could work on. One has most recently divorced.

A female friend started dating a guy even though she wasn't attracted to him. She had great chemistry with her ex, but the fallout left her devastated, so she made sure the next guy was someone she had lukewarm feelings about. Sexual attraction had become such a frightening concept for her that she reasoned it was best to avoid it all together.

All of which points to the common belief that sexual attraction is misleading, that desire can warp our senses and impair our judgment.

This is true on occasions and it does take time, as well as the levelling off of the early chemical rush, to properly work out whether there is anything uniting the two of you beyond the bedroom.

But here is the thing. While the intensity of the attraction lessens – and thank God for that – it never disappears entirely. It's there in the background of the day-to-day stresses and it doesn't take much prodding, the right moment or some precious time together, for the connection to feel new again.

A bedrock of sexual compatibility will get you through the tough times. It will provide you with intimacy and the necessary connection that cannot be replicated elsewhere. It's what makes you a couple, rather than just really, really good mates.

I suspect that what people refer to as the waning of attraction is really just the withholding of sex due to unresolved tension and resentment in the relationship. After all, who wants to perform the most intimate of acts with someone when you're secretly seething inside?

This is not to suggest women should be more superficial and fixated on looks. Sexual chemistry is such an amorphous thing; it can be based on something as fundamental as the way someone smells or as simple as the sound of their voice.

But it is to suggest that more women should prioritise sexual chemistry in a mate, to make it as important a quality as other laudable traits, such as reliability or kindness.

And if you don't see a potential suitor in a romantic light, if you have no real desire for each other, it's best to walk away for both of your sakes – especially before children arrive on the scene.

After all, the only thing worse than settling is being the person someone settled for.