- published: 27 Mar 2015
- views: 126
Lissette Álvarez Chorens, commonly known as Lissette, is a singer, songwriter, and record producer from Cuba. She is best known for recording a Spanish language-version of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" in 1985.
Lissette was born March 10, 1947, in Lima, Peru, at a time when her parents, Cuban TV stars Olga Chorens and Tony Álvarez (Olga y Tony), were touring South America. While living with her parents in Havana, Cuba, Lissette made her first recording at age 5, the children's song "El Ratoncito Miguel", which would eventually become a hit for her.
She and her sister were sent to live in the United States when she was 14 years old (on 13 September 1961) through Operation Peter Pan, a US government sponsored program in conjunction with the Catholic Welfare Bureau, and which transported 14,000 Cuban children from Cuba to the United States. The scheme was devised for families opposed to the Cuban revolution of 1959, who feared that the government would indoctrinate their children into communism.
Patito Feo (in English, Ugly Duckling) is a comedy TV series for kids and teens from Argentina, starring Laura Natalia Esquivel, Brenda Asnicar, Juan Darthes, Griselda Siciliani and Gastón Soffritti produced by Ideas del Sur for Canal 13. The show is distributed worldwide by Televisa.The opening theme, "Un Rincon Del Corazon" in English (A Corner Of The Heart) is sung by Patito played by Laura Natalia Esquivel. In 2009 under the licence of "Ideas Del Sur"0 "Luis De Llano" made a Mexican version of the show "Atrevete a sonar" starring Danna Paola.
With a huge marketing push, the show started its run on April 2007 in Canal 13. In September of that year, the show started airing in the entire Spanish-speaking Latin America market on the Disney Channel and soon, the program became a sensation among kids and teens in the entire continent.
When it debuted, Patito Feo was a direct competitor to Telefe's Casi Angeles in Argentina. Casi Angeles' was produced by Cris Morena, the ratings' leader in kids and teen fiction for over 15 years. Patito Feo beat Casi Angeles, marking the first time a Cris Morena production didn't have the lead in the Argentine market in 2008. During that year, Patito performed exceptionally not only on TV but also on merchandising sales. The soundtrack album was the best-selling album of 2008 in the country and over 100 licensed products were released. An official magazine exceeded sales expectations and had its initial print sold out within a week and a stamp album also had record sales for Panini in Argentina. The song Las Divinas was the best-selling ringtone ever in the country.
La impostora (English: The Impostor), is a Spanish-language telenovela produced by United States-based television network Telemundo Studios, Miami. It is based on the Chilean telenovela Cerro Alegre, produced by Canal 13 in 1999. It stars Lisette Morelos, Sebastián Zurita and Christian Bach, together with Manuel Landeta, Begoña Narváez, Mauricio Hénao, Jonathan Islas and Alpha Acosta.
As part of the 2014 season, Telemundo is broadcasting La impostora as of 14 January 2014 weeknights at 8pm/7c, replacing Marido en Alquiler. As with most of its other telenovelas, the network is broadcasting English subtitles as closed captions on CC3.
Blanca Guerrero (Lisette Morelos) is a cheerful and resourceful girl with a big heart, who works as a waitress dreaming of an acting career. At an early age, she began helping her father Memo as much as she could, due to her mother's early death. When Memo is unjustly fired by Raquel Altamira from his job at her family's company, where he worked for years, Blanca decides to go to the Altamira's end of the year costume party and notify Don Leonidas, the company's owner of the situation with her father, and hopefully convince him of rehiring him, and thanks to her amazing acting skills she is able to sneak her way in.
Bellas Artes, a Spanish-language term, can refer to:
Gladys Rodríguez (born June 4, 1943), is an actress, comedian and television host.
Rodríguez was born in Santurce, a section of San Juan, the capital of Puerto Rico. Her parents moved to New York City when she was still a child. In New York, she received her primary and secondary education. When she was eight years old she attended the Children's Hour Academy where she learned tap dancing, drama and ballet.
In 1960, Rodríguez returned to Puerto Rico where she took drama classes under the guidance of Edmundo Rivera Alvarez. She enrolled in the University of Puerto Rico where she earned a degree in Dramatic Arts.
Rodríguez made her television debut when she auditioned for a role in the soap opera La Mujer de Aquella Noche ( The Woman of that night) and performed alongside Braulio Castillo. The soap opera was a success and her acting caught the attention of a Peruvian director who offered her a role in the soap opera Simplemente María-2da. Parte (Simply Mary-Part 2), filmed in Peru. Simplemente María Part 2, became an international success, in Latin America.
Blanca Lissette Cruz en La Cantante Calva
November 6, 2016
Estrenos pa'l wiken con Gladys Rodríguez
Cambalache - Teatro Victoria Espinosa - BOLETOSPR.COM
La Impostora | Capítulo 117 | Telemundo
Hamlet en Puerto Rico Festival de Teatro Internacional
Un Camino Hacia El Destino - Todas Las Cachetadas Peleas Y Golpes
Victoria y Eduardo Hacen el Amor ♥
El Patito Feo Alto al Bullying
La Cantante Calva de Eugene Ionesco Dirige Emineh de Lourdes Desde el 4 de abril Teatro Coribantes 767-7400 Ticket Center 792-5000
Bajo Tierra por Mary Ely Marrero Presentamos la pieza de microteatro BAJO TIERRA protagonizada por Angel Manuel y Blanca Lissette Cruz. AM Publicidad y Lamaruca, Gesta Cultural Vitrata, presentaron nuevamente esta obra de teatro minimalista que muestra dos mundos en conflicto debido a un ritual mal hecho: el de los vivos y el de los muertos. ¿Imaginas el terror de no descansar en paz? ¡Gracias a todos los que vivieron esta pesadilla con nosotros!
Ángel Manuel nos trae la cartelera del fin de semana desde el café teatro de Amigos Hasta la Muerte y habla con la primera actriz Gladys Rodríguez sobre Eréndira y Blanca Lissette Cruz sobre el montaje de Yuyo. Entrevistas: - Blanca Lissette Cruz - Gladys Rodríguez *Sony NEX-VG900 **Rokinon 85mm T1.5 Cine Lens for Sony E **Sony 28-75mm f/2.8 Alpha A-Mount Standard Zoom Lens (SAL2875)
Como parte del 54 Festival de Teatro Puertorriqueno del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriquena, Producciones Alfonsina y Blanca Lissette Cruz presentan Cambalache en el Teatro Victoria Espinosa.
Capítulo 117 Video oficial de la novela de Telemundo La Impostora completo: Raquel Altamira (Christian Bach) y Eduardo Altamira (Sebastian Zurita) SUBSCRIBETE: http://bit.ly/1DDw9DR La Impostora: La Impostora es una novela llena de amor, intriga y emociones, en la que las apariencias engañan. Es la historia de Blanca Guerrero, una bella mesera de Puerto Vallarta, que se destaca por sus extraordinarias habilidades para imitar a otros. Un día, Blanca es contratada por un importante y poderoso empresario de nombre Adriano Ferrer, para hacerse pasar por una inversionista millonaria de Nueva York. SUBSCRIBETE: http://bit.ly/11evqY8 Telemundo Es una división de Empresas y Contenido Hispano de NBCUniversal, liderando la industria en la producción y distribución de contenido en español de alta ...
Hamlet en el cuerpo de una mujer -Regresa Hamlet en una adaptación original- -- La galardonada e inmortal pieza de Shakespeare, Hamlet regresa a nuestro teatro puertorriqueño con una nueva propuesta experimental adaptada por Miguel Diffoot y dirigida por Joaquín Octavio en una producción de Alfonsina Inc para el 49no Festival de Teatro Internacional del Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueño del 6 al 15 de diciembre en la Sala Carlos Marichal del Centro de Bellas Artes Luis A. Ferré en Santurce. 7 innovadores actores expertos en este mágico ambiente experimental le dan vida a esta pieza encabezada por Blanca Lissette Cruz en el reto más grande de su carrera interpretando a Hamlet. "Es un trabajo experimental en el que nos hemos sumergido en un proceso creativo intenso. Hamlet me prestar...
Recopilacion De Todas Las Cachetadas Peleas Y Golpes de Un Camino Hacia El Destino No pretendo infringir los derechos de ningún autor , solo difundir entretenimiento. SUSCRIBETE Elenco Paulina Goto - Luisa Fernanda Pérez Altamirano / Luisa Fernanda Montero Altamirano Horacio Pancheri - Carlos Gómez-Ruiz Jorge Aravena - Pedro Pérez Ramos Ana Patricia Rojo - Mariana Altamirano de Sotomayor Lisette Morelos - Amelia Altamirano de Pérez Manuel Landeta - Hernán Sotomayor Landa René Strickler - Luis Montero Eugenia Cauduro - Marissa Gómez-Ruiz de Montero Patricia Reyes Spíndola - Blanca Martínez Gustavo Rojo - Don Fernando Altamirano Onderain Brandon Peniche - Javier Farías Rocío Banquells - Guadalupe "Lupe" Gonzalo Arturo Carmona - Diego Martínez Agustín Arana - Lic. Ignacio Ordóñez Harry G...
Protegiendo nuestros niños en contra del bullying -El clásico cuento infantil, El Patito Feo brindando soluciones - (San Juan, Puerto Rico, 21 de enero de 2014) -- En Puerto Rico El bullying se ha convertido en un problema serio para nuestros niños. Ofreciendo alternativas reales producciones Alfonsina presenta el musical infantil El Patito Feo del 11 al 14 de marzo en el Centro de Bellas Artes de Guaynabo. "El teatro es una herramienta educativa. Queremos presentar alternativas reales tanto a niños como a maestros para poder trabajar con este problema real en nuestras escuelas y poner un alto. Como madre me he visto afectada por este mal y como artista quiero brindar herramientas de solución. Con El Patito Feo crearemos un foro al final de cada función para obtener reacciones y brin...
Set List: A Day In My Life (Without You) Time Passes By He's My Baby Now Together Forever Lisette Melendez was born and raised in East Harlem, New York to Puerto Rican parents.Happy to say her music helped to define the Latin Freestyle/Pop music scene in the early 1990s,Lisette was initially inspired at the early age of 12 years old by both her mother and aunt who sang in the church and in community theaters. She used music as an escape from the dangers of inner city life, often spending countless hours listening to other artists and honing her own singing skills. Impressed by the successful rise of the Puerto Rican sensation, Lisa Lisa, high school student formed a vocal group. In 1988,she lent her vocals to the club hit Make Noise. While promoting the song, she was also able to develop ...
Total Eclipse of the heart es una cancion escrita por Jim Steiman para Meat Loaf a finales de los años 70 y que este decidio no grabar, en 1983 Bonnie Tyler decide incluirla en su quinto album de estudio Faster Than the Speed of Night convirtiendose en un sencillo multivendedor que supero las 6 millones de unidades. En 1984 Lissette decide grabar este tema en su disco "caricatura" y se estima que se vendieron 4 millones de copias de dicho single escalando primeros lugares en las listas de éxitos de Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, México, República Dominicana, Puerto Rico, Panamá, Colombia, Uruguay y el mercado latino de los Estados Unidos.
SUSCRIBETE → https://goo.gl/2x6JMJ APOYAME EN PATREON → https://goo.gl/RhAnV9 @Anime Expo Evolution (AEX) ~ 20/06/2015 ↓↓↓↓Mira mi repertorio haciendo click en "Mostrar más"↓↓↓↓ 00:00 Intro + Braveheart *version japones-latina* (Digimon Adventure) 04:45 Let me be with you (Chobits OP) 06:16 Kujikenaikara *version latina* (Los Justicieros/ Slayers ED) 07:39 Caprichosa eres tu (Dragon Ball GT ED) 09:17 My will *version latina* (Inuyasha ED) 10:56 Amor platónico (Ranma 1/2 ED) 12:32 Bokutashi chikyuujin *version latina* (Doraemon ED) 13:33 100% no jumon *version latina* (Hamtaro ED) 14:52 Crossing Field (SAO/ Swort Art OnLine OP) 16:25 Kimi ni todoke (Kimi Ni Todoke ED) 18:57 Dragon Screamer (Los Super Campeones/ Captain Tsubasa road to 2002 OP) 20:35 Yuzurenai Negai (Las Guerreras Magicas/ ...
(19 de Agosto de 2012) Canción: Mikami (Ghost Sweeper Mikami) Canta: Lissette Nuestra presentación en el Anime Deluxe. Estamos muy contentas de haber estado en este gran escenario, junto a grandes del anisong. Muchas gracias a todos por el apoyo y sus lindos comentarios :)
The event is today at Tiger Town in Lakeland. ◂ The ABC Action News app brings you the latest trusted news and information. ABC Action News is Taking Action For You with leading local news coverage, "Certified Most Accurate" weather forecasts, and award-winning I-Team investigations. ABC Action News, WFTS, covers local news in Tampa Bay and Florida. iPhone: http://bit.ly/http://bit.ly/iOS-wfts Android: http://bit.ly/abcaction-android
Lissette nos entrega su exito mas emblematico,el clasico de Bonnie Tyler en su magistral version en español,recibiendo una ovacion de pie de los presentes.
Mi primera presentación con banda con mi tributo a Olivia N-J junto a la banda Disco Fever, a quienes les doy la gracias ya que fue una muy linda experiencia, la Ex-Oz estaba repleta!! Contrataciones a lissettelcp@hotmail.com (Sola) produccion@bandastributo.com (Con Banda) Espero que les guste y comenten ^^
Lissette gives off her sassy and great performance!
SUSCRIBETE → https://goo.gl/2x6JMJ APOYAME EN PATREON → https://goo.gl/RhAnV9 @Anime Matsuri Aki - Santiago - 29/05/2016 00:00 Chala Head Chala (Dragon Ball Z Opening) 01:42 Amar a alguien (Estan Arrestados Opening) 03:17 Grip -version latina- (Inuyasha Opening) 05:08 En mis sueños (Sailor Moon Ending) 06:38 Believe me -version latina- (Mikami Ending) 08:15 Sore wa chiisana hikari no youna (Boku Dake ga Inai Machi/ Erased Ending) 09:50 Miraikei Answer (Ore Monogatari Opening) 11:28 Miraculous Lady Bug -Fandub- (Miraculous Lady Bug Opening Full) 13:26 Yo quisiera ya ser el rey (El Rey Leon) 16:12 Utsukushiki zankoku na sekai (Shingeki no Kyojin Ending) 17:44 Queen of light (In the groove) 19:46 Dive (Dance Dance Revolution 5°Mix/ DDR 5°Mix) 21:22 Rolling Star (Bleach Opening) 23:17 God Kno...
Háblame De Él 0:00 Justo Yo 3:24 Quiereme...Tengo Frio 6:58 Poema 20 10:25 Martes 2 P.M. 13:44 Carta De Un León A Otro 17:41 Cabecita Loca 21:39 Los Dos A Puerta Cerrada 24:23 La Unica Que Amó 27:49 Entre Las Flores 31:51 Lazos Azules Y Rosas 34:19 Debut Y Despedida 37:22 Lo Voy A Dividir 40:35 Te Propongo 44:49 La Muchacha De Los Ojos Tristes 49:02 Love Story 51:58 Yo 54:53 Un Sábado Más 56:58 Usted Abuso 59:22 Somewhere My Love 1:02:44
Quiéreme...Tengo Frio 0:00 Por Favor...Fue Sin Saber 3:27 Corazon 6:37 Amores Que No Son De La Manana 9:43 Canta,Canta 13:45 Dejalo Volver 16:39 Construccion 20:50 Casi Mujer... 25:23 Antes De Seguir Viaje 28:09 Cuando El Amor Se Va De Casa 31:28
(1975) Lo Voy A Dividir (Roberto Livi) 0:00 Yo Lo Sé (Lissette) 4:13 Carta A Una Hija (Lissette) 6:37 Ya Me Crecen Alas (Lissette) 9:50 Lo Mismo Da (E.Poi) 13:05 Soy (Willie Chirino) 17:57 La Extranjera (Sergio Fiallo) 20:39 Mi Amiga (Lissette) 23:44 Que Estarás Pensando (Lissette) 27:01 Sin Quererlo Yo Me Enamore (Marquito Livi) 31:10
Lissette falleció la madrugada de este lunes producto de un paro cardíaco dentro del centro Estación Central. El deceso de la menor se habría producido por un problema cardiovascular. Extranormal El Caso Paulette Gebarah Opinion de expertos Muerte accidental 1/6.
Si Tu Supieras,Por Si Acaso 0:00 Por Si Tu Quieres Saber 4:31 Matandome Suavemente 7:55 Los Dos A Puerta Cerrada 12:49 Atrapados Por El Amor 16:13 Martes 2 P.M 19:05 Gente Que Viene,Gente Que Va 23:00 Gracias A La Vida 26:12 Tantas Veces Me Pregunto 30:19 Ves,Estamos Juntos 33:28
Rare interview footage of The Queen Of Latin Freestyle Club Lissette Melendez. Lissette doesn't normally grant interviews so this was a really special event for us at GROUNZERO MAG-ZINE. Get close and personal with the amazing Lissette Melendez the person credited for bringing back freestyle music in the early 90's. She also speaks on the new challenges for artists to get conventional record deals as it compared to back in the day. Big ups to Lissette and her management for granting us this interview.
V I S I O N Experience - A curated sensory exhibit of Art, Design and Music ► Lissette Diaz talks inspiration and creativity leading up to her participation at the VISION show last April 8th Look out for these pieces and more at our online gallery at LeilaEntertainment.com
Lissette is a quiet, introverted, sweet woman who has always commanded respect among men. She is perceived as the girlfriend type by men and has been in a successful relationship for almost a decade, having married her college sweetheart. In this interview, I pick her brain to try to find out what makes her successful in love and relationships.
Lissette Padilla is back on TYT University this week. Find out what she's been up to while she was away, and hear her answers to your best Facebook questions! Tweet: http://ctt.ec/811wd What do you want to ask Lissette? Let us know in the comments! Don't forget guys, if you like this video please "Like," "Favorite," and "Share" it with your friends to show your support - it really helps us out! If there's something you'd like to see John or Lisa discuss on the show, tweet us about it! See you tomorrow :) ***************************************************** TYTU is here every day to challenge your preconceptions, expose you to amazing new facts and scientific discoveries, motivate you to see things from new perspectives, and inspire you to learn more about the world and the people aroun...
project for school
Tinder CMO, Justin Mateen, has been suspended over sexual harassment allegations made by Whitney Wolfe, Tinder's co-founder and former VP of marketing. Wolfe accused Mateen of repeatedly calling her a "whore" and of taking away her co-founder title because having a young female co-founder "makes the company seem like a joke" and "devalues" the company." We take a look at Wolfe's accusations, in this Lip News clip with Lissette Padilla and Mark Sovel. Newest Lip News playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8l-1bEJMdQ&list;=PLjk3H0GXhhGcjJDo6cQBCQprDMQyUQY3r&index;=2 BUZZSAW interview clips - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUGlfxxs9eE&index;=2&list;=PLjk3H0GXhhGeWhHPas6M9sKUhThquDNOc CRIME TIME clips playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVLDAymqhfc&index;=2&list;=PLjk3H0GXhhGeC9DbpSn...
Lissette Padilla takes the temperature on Abbot Kinney in Venice CA. about Mitt Romney's infamous threat to take away Sesame Street's funding. How did Mitt Romney's bottom-line approach go over with the folks, and what were their suggestions for a better budget? Watch and enjoy! See more here: http://thelip.tv/on-the-street-interviews/