Miner's Advice


Welcome to the Miner's Advice Home page!

This is where we'll inform you of any new additions or alterations to this site.

We have plans for more pages and more content, which will be added later, so stay in touch for the latest on issues which affect miners and the mining industry.


For all the latest news affecting coal miners and coal mining, as well as the latest Trade Union News and World News, go to the News Now link, further down this page.

News from MinersAdvice
The latest news and announcements can be found on our News, Views & Updates page

The scandal of the miners' pension theft
Ever since the Miners' Pension fund was set up successive governments have used the profits generated by the fund as their own personal cash cow.

Make a note in your Diary!
The Forthcoming Events page is where you'll find notices about events which we think may be of interest to readers of this site
See Forthcoming Events for details

Miners Chest Claims Respiratory problems claims, for miners, former miners and families of deceased miners.
Information & Contact Details HERE:
Miners Chest Claims

Jobs / Vacancies
If you wish to place an advertisement for a vacancy or position related to the coal industry, then please send an e-mail to Miner's Advice.


What you'll find on the Miner's Advice web site.


On our Contacts page you'll find the NUM Office or Advice Centre nearest you.
Our Contacts page has telephone No.'s and addresses of Advice Centres and Union Offices throughout the UK. If you know of a useful contact which you think should appear on our Contacts page, then please send an e-mail to us here at @Miner'sAdvice.


Dave Douglass was the last elected NUM Branch Secretary at Hatfield Main. His Dave Douglass page tells how he came to be one Hatfield Main's most colourful characters, as well as being an accomplished author.
Dave carried out his NUM duties and performed an essential role in the community by giving free advice to miners and their families for many years.
Unfortunately the Mining Community Advice Centre in Stainforth is now closed, but we hope to carry on giving advice and help to miners and their families through this web site.


Our Further Reading page is a list of books we recommend. Eventually we hope to build this page into a comprehensive book list, complete with reviews.


The Links Page is a collection of Links to other sites which we hope you will find interesting. If you have a site you want adding to our Links page, just send an e-mail to us here at Miner's Advice and we'll be happy to add your URL.


For the latest news affecting miners and the mining industry, visit our News, Views & Updates page.
Our News Page is the place to find the latest news on what's happening in the mining industry. If you have a story you'd like to see on our News Page, please send an e-mail to Miner's Advice and we'll add your story, subject to review.


Mining 2000 is a collection of pages where we reviewed the situation in the UK's remaining coal mines at the time of the new millennium.

Construction of Hatfield Main Colliery's No.1 Headgear.

Starting with Hatfield Main we tell the history of each colliery, from the days the shafts were sunk to the present day. We are still trying to gather as much information as possible so that we can include data, such as the potential reserves remaining at each colliery, and the outlook for the future of these mines which are struggling to compete in today's market.
If you have information we could use to complete our Mining 2000 section, or we have data which you feel is incorrect, then please e-mail us at Miner's Advice.

We also need pictures and anecdotes for our Mining 2000 section. If you have anything you'd like to add, please let us know.


Please visit and sign our Guest Book!

Your feedback is important to us. While we are under fire from some quarters for our web site content, we are always pleased to hear from anyone who has enjoyed visiting our site and found their visit worthwhile.

Likewise, if you feel there are parts of our site which you do not like, then please tell us. If there is anything on our site which you find offensive or incorrect, just let us know and we'll remove it.


Our View is a page where we publish letters and alternative news items, sometimes of a political nature, but which are not necessarily directly connected to the mining industry.


Your View gives visitors to our site a chance to express their thoughts and opinions. If you want us to add an item to the Your View section please send us an e-mail.


Reviews is a new page. On this page you will find the Miner's Advice reviews of books, films, magazines and other publications which explore working class issues

Read Dave Douglass's Reviews of:
Scargill: The Unauthorised Biography by Paul Routledge

Durham Miners Millennium Book
A review of David Temple's book about the story of the Durham miners

Miner's daughters and miner's sons? - Billy Elliot
Dave Douglass looks at the social, political and sexual values surrounding real life would-be Billy Elliots and gives us his own thoughts in this, his review of the film.


Our latest addition is our Forthcoming Events Page
From there, we'll try and keep you informed of forthcoming events, including fund raising, rallies and protests.


Miner's Advice Virtual Mining Badge Collection

This will be a collection of pages aimed at collectors and those with just a passing interest in the many wonderful and varied badges that have been issued from the union at all levels.
If you have a badge which is not in our Virtual Collection, then please send us a scanned image and we'll add it to the page,
or, better still, if you have any badges you don't want, send them to Miner's Advice !


If you wish to contact us regarding the NUM Office & Advice Centre, then please e-mail Minersadvice: info minersadvice.co.uk


News Now

News Now brings you the latest news concerning Coal Mining &Trade Unions from all over the world.





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