British Politics after the Election: next steps

The general election has seen a humiliating defeat for Theresa May – now reduced to a minority government Coalition of Chaos – and a huge surge to the Corbyn-led Labour Party, standing on a popular left-wing manifesto. Discussing the next steps is urgent: Read more »

Seven reasons why we defend Free Movement

Migrants are net contributors to society All serious economic research has shown that migrants make a substantial net contribution to the British economy. Read more »

Trouble in Toryland

Politics in Britain has finally become very interesting, writes Sara Peterson. Having lived through Blair, Brown, the Con-Dems, the Tory Government, there are actually some seismic shifts in electoral politics. Read more »

Record numbers attend Durham Miners’ Gala

Roads were sealed off in Durham centre as over 200,000 trade unionists, campaigners and socialists took part in the 133rd Big Meeting, reports Nick Jones from Leeds Left Unity. Read more »

UK offer on rights of EU citizens in UK grossly inadequate

Retrospective removal of rights already acquired must not be allowed, say Brexit Steering Group members While we in the European Parliament Brexit steering group accept the UK’s decision to leave the European Union was a democratic choice, we were never convinced Brexit would be a positive development economically, certainly not for the standing of Europe […] Read more »

France Transformed: the second round of the parliamentary elections in historical context

Roger Martelli takes a close look at Macron’s election, the collapse of the Socialist Party, and the end of a long cycle for the French left So Emmanuel Macron has his majority, a smaller one than expected. The opposition is in pieces. The Left has to be rebuilt. As for the new president, he is […] Read more »

Shaping the way we organise in support of a Jeremy Corbyn government

by Kate Hudson Will the remarkable change we’re witnessing in UK politics roll back the neo-liberal policies that have been so disastrous? Public hostility to Theresa May – already significant as a result of her election campaign – has increased, following the terrible and completely avoidable tragedy at Grenfell Tower last week: the destruction by […] Read more »

May’s offer to EU citizens – press release

Responding to Prime Minister Theresa May’s offer to EU citizens regarding their post-Brexit rights Joseph Healy principal speaker of Left Unity said: “May’s offer today to EU citizens is a gross insult and a disgrace to the millions who have made their lives in the UK and who deserve better than this. The proposal for […] Read more »

2017 Summer Conference agenda and motions

The agenda and motions for Left Unity’s Summer Conference this weekend can be found at this link 2017 Agenda Read more »

Solidarity with the Muslim community

Joseph Healy principal speaker for Left Unity on the terrorist attack in Finsbury Park “The attack today in London on  members of the Muslim community in Finsbury Park is appalling and is a direct result of the Islamophobia being peddled every day by not only the far Right but also the gutter press. A spokesman […] Read more »

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Discussion & Debate

RISE speaker addresses LU conference

Allan Armstrong, from RISE in Scotland, addressed the recent Left Unity conference Read more »

Lexit: digging the hole deeper

Neil Faulkner The SWP, one of a number of pro-Brexit sects, makes the following claim: A year ago Socialist Worker welcomed the result of the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU). Were we right to do so?  We argued that the vote would force out David Cameron and destabilise the Tory Party. […] Read more »

After May, Labour and Left Unity

Ian Parker The Labour Party under Jeremy Corbyn has succeeded in breaking the hold of the Conservatives on British politics. It is Corbyn who has brought the Labour vote up to the highest level – in percentage and total vote – for twenty years, and the biggest ever single increase in the Labour vote. The […] Read more »

Onto the Streets: Get the Tories Out

Neil Faulkner post election piece Defying all expectations, the Labour Party has fought a dazzling election campaign and pulled off an extraordinary electoral triumph against the odds. Jeremy Corbyn emerged as the real leader of this election campaign inspiring tens of thousands of mainly young people at his enormous rallies. It began with what we […] Read more »

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Local reports

Leeds Rail Guards Striking for Our Safety

Support the Guards and oppose cuts that put lives at risk, says Nick Jones from Leeds Left Unity “This strike is not about money for us! This is a strike about safety. It isn’t just about who opens and closes doors. This is about getting rid of the people who will be essential in safely […] Read more »

Boycott the Ritzy

Richard Farnos reports On Wednesday, members of South London Left Unity joined other Labour and trade union activists calling for people to Boycott the Ritzy cinema in Brixton. Ritzy staff in BECTU have asked for the boycott in response to Picturehouse sacking three union reps, with a fourth awaiting a disciplinary hearing.  Their crime? – […] Read more »

Never Again! – 50 years since the Greek military coup

ON Friday 28 April Almost 100 activists and veterans gathered at the Unite the Union London headquarters to remember the events 50 years ago when Greek democracy was again overturned by a ruthless military junta. The colonels brought tanks on to the streets of Athens to prevent elections which looked certain to produce a government […] Read more »

Lambeth libraries: Occupation puts council on the back-foot

Stuart King reports on the recent Lambeth Library occupation In mid April, shortly after a 10-day occupation of the Carnegie library in Lambeth, the first cracks appeared in the monolithic Progress run council in Lambeth. Councillor Rachel Heywood issued an open letter entitled “Why I broke ranks” referring to the fact that she marched with […] Read more »

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Left Unity is active in movements and campaigns across the left, working to create an alternative to the main political parties.

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Weds 12 July, 19:30
Who’s beating back ISIS in Syria?

Learn more with Rahila Gupta, freelance journalist, writer & activist, who visited Rojava in 2016.

David’s Bookshop, Eastcheap, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3DE. £3 entry.  Organised by the North Herts Friends of Rojava. Contact

Weds 19 – Sun 23 July
European Left Summer University

This year, the European Left/Transform Summer University will be held in Budapest, Hungary, from 19-23 of July. For programme details click here. For registration click here.

Sun 23 – Sat 29 July
International Youth Camp, Otranto, Italy

The Fourth International’s annual youth camp – find out more about socialism, feminism and environmentalism.

For more information email

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