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Not a woman in sight: Leaked nomination papers reveal five male nominees to fill Liberal Senate role

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Five men have nominated to fill the West Australian Senate vacancy, including two former state MPs, official nomination papers leaked to Fairfax Media reveal.

The candidates include frontrunner Slade Brockman, a former staffer to the right-wing West Australian powerbroker and cabinet minister Mathias Cormann, physiotherapist David Barton, Lebanese-born businessman Gabi Ghasseb, former WA Speaker Michael Sutherland and former WA Minister Mark Lewis.

Mr Brockman, aged 47, is the youngest candidate.

Erin Watson-Lynn, a director at AsiaLink and a single mother, had considered nominating and had recently met delegates but on Friday ruled out throwing her hat in the ring for now.

Ms Watson-Lynn is aligned with deputy Liberal leader Julie Bishop who leads the moderates in WA and wants to see more women in leadership. Several sources said Ms Watson-Lynn was unable to get the numbers amongst delegates, the majority of whom are tipped to support Mr Brockman.

Her decision not to contest will reopen the debate about the Liberal party's poor representation of women in Parliament. Across the Coalition, women representation went backwards after the 2016 election, and is as its lowest level since Paul Keating was prime minister in 1993.

The five Liberal candidates vying for the WA Senate vacancy as they appear on their nomination forms. From left to right: David Barton, Slade Brockman, Mark Lewis (bottom row) Gabi Ghasseb, and Michael Sutherland.

The five Liberal candidates vying for the WA Senate vacancy as they appear on their nomination forms. From left to right: David Barton, Slade Brockman, Mark Lewis (bottom row) Gabi Ghasseb, and Michael Sutherland. Photo: Supplied

Unlike Labor, the Liberal Party does not have quotas. There are 32 women senators but only six come from the Liberal party. This is mirrored in the lower house where of the 60 Liberal MPs, only 12 are women.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has boosted the number of women in Cabinet to five, but they are still vastly outnumbered by their 17 male colleagues. Former prime minister Tony Abbott included just one woman in his first cabinet - deputy leader Julie Bishop.

The Candidates

Slade Brockman is considered most likely to fill the Senate vacancy as he enjoys the support of his former boss Finance Minister Mathias Cormann.

In his nomination form, he says "all my adult life I have actively supported the Liberal party," citing his work as a staffer to Senator Cormann and running campaigns in marginal seats out of party headquarters.

Physiotherapist David Barton said his non-political background would be a plus for the government.

"I firmly believe we need Liberal parliamentarians from a range of backgrounds," he said in his nomination.

And he took aim at sitting MPs saying: "As a divisional delegate on State Council, I believe there has been considerable frustration amongst the Council and the lay Liberal party concerning the communications with our parliamentarians."

Fifty-five-year-old Company director and pro-life advocate Gabi Ghasseb listed amongst his special skills and attributes that he is "keenly receptive to women's intuition in particular."

He said he possessed "a strong sense of intuition based on faith and knowledge" and a "strong ability to stand by principles based on Christian faith and ethics."

Asked why he was nominating, he said it was "to keep Australia great and secure, in these uncertain times in our world with global maneuvering, I believe that the wisdom of God is required."

He has donated to Australian Christians, including for a pro-life advertisement in the past.

Former WA speaker Michael Sutherland listed "combating the ceaseless propaganda of the ABC and other groups who support the left," as one of his major areas of policy interest and expertise.

He warned that the WA Liberal party "faces annihilation at the next federal election if things continue as they are."

Fifty-nine-year-old Mark Lewis, who was the state agriculture minister until the Liberals defeat in the March state election, said if he were in the Senate he would add "strength and diversity to the WA Liberal party team in Canberra."

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