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Malcolm Roberts


Malcolm Roberts


Dear Arthur, please explain One Nation's sophistication

Dear Arthur, please explain One Nation's sophistication

Bernard KeaneFeb 15, 201719 Comments

We've been struggling to work out how One Nation is more "sophisticated" than it used to be -- so we've asked the man who claimed that it was to please explain.

'Shag on a rock' confuses the youngsters

CrikeyFeb 14, 20171 Comment

The comment prompted NSW Senator Sam Dastyari to taunt “how do you shag on a rock?”.

Tips and rumours

Tips and rumours

CrikeyFeb 14, 20171 Comment

Roses are red ... check the captions ... sorry, what on a rock?

Tips and rumours

Tips and rumours

CrikeyFeb 13, 20174 Comments

Labor makes hay, again ... Malcolm Roberts' weird war on the UN ... backhanded compliments ...

For a bunch of 'patriots', Hanson and Co sure do love ripping off foreign ideas

For a bunch of 'patriots', Hanson and Co sure do love ripping off foreign ideas

Philip DorlingFeb 7, 20175 Comments

Perhaps it's inevitable that right-wing nationalist politicians here in Australia should be attracted to authoritarian leaders overseas, writes senior researcher at The Australia Institute Philip Dorling.

One Nation lies about Trump invite, gets caught out, cries 'fake news'

One Nation lies about Trump invite, gets caught out, cries 'fake news'

Josh TaylorJan 19, 20176 Comments

One Nation delivered the fake news of being invited to Donald Trump's inauguration and shouted down anyone who claimed otherwise.

One Nation's 'web-based computer programme' will fix everything wrong with govt, you guys

One Nation's 'web-based computer programme' will fix everything wrong with govt, you guys

Josh TaylorJan 12, 201714 Comments

A web-based computer program to cure what ails our travel entitlements. And our government contracts. Which are a teensy bit conflated but look, never mind.

Crikey's 2016 Christmas lunch survival guide

Crikey's 2016 Christmas lunch survival guide

Sally Whyte and Josh TaylorDec 23, 20166 Comments

Arguing about politics with your family is never going to go well, but this handy guide will at least mean you are right, even if you are disowned, write Crikey Journalists Sally Whyte and Josh Taylor.

The maddest, baddest and saddest conspiracy theories of 2016

The maddest, baddest and saddest conspiracy theories of 2016

Harrison JohnstoneDec 9, 20163 Comments

From Malcolm Roberts to the new president of the United States, it has been a very good year for conspiracy theories, writes Crikey intern Harrison Johnstone.

Hanson, Roberts cancel event due to security scare

CrikeyDec 1, 2016

The event was to be hosted by a new group called Independent Jewish Council of Australia.

https://www.crikey.com.au/2016/12/01/hanson-roberts-cancel-event-due-to-security-scare/ == https://www.crikey.com.au/free-trial/==https://www.crikey.com.au/subscribe/

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