1   Privacy and confidentiality

The website www.crikey.com.au and the Crikey email alert are published by Private Media Pty Ltd (ACN 102 933 362) (Private Media).

This collection notice outlines how Private Media collects and handles your personal information in compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). In this policy, “us” “we” or “our” means Private Media.

We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality and security of your personal information and manage your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which is available here.

We will collect and use information about you during the course of your relationship with us. We explain below when and how we may collect, use and disclose this information.
It is important that the information we hold about you is up to date. You must let us know when information you have provided to us has changed.

2   Collection, use and disclosure of information

We may use and disclose the information we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • to provide products and services to you;
  • to provide you with news, information or advice about our existing and new products and services;
  • to communicate with you including by email, mail or telephone;
  • to manage and enhance our products and services;
  • to personalise and customise your experience;
  • to provide you with access to protected areas of the website;
  • to conduct competitions and promotions;
  • to verify your identity;
  • for our administrative, marketing, promotional, planning, product/service development, quality control and research purposes, or those of our contractors or external service providers;
  • to investigate any complaints about or made by our, or if we have reason to suspect that you are in breach of our terms and conditions or that you are or have been otherwise engaged in any unlawful activity; and/or
  • as required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act).

Your personal information will not be shared, sold or disclosed other than as described in this collection notice.

3   Absence of relevant information

If you do not provide some or all of the information requested, we may be unable to provide you with a product or service.

4   Information required by law etc.

We may be required by relevant laws to collect certain information from you. Details of laws that require us to collect information about individuals (personal information) and why these laws require us to collect personal information are contained in our Privacy Policy.

5   Providing your information to others

We may provide your information to:

  • our employees, related bodies corporate, contractors or external service providers for the operation of the website or our business, fulfilling requests by you, and otherwise provide products and services to you, including without limitation, web hosting providers, IT systems administrators, mailing houses, newsagents, couriers, payment processors, photographic analysers, data entry service providers, electronic network administrators, debt collectors, and professional advisers such as accountants, solicitors, business advisors and consultants;
  • our existing or potential agents, business partners or joint venture entities or partners;
  • our sponsors, or promoters of any competition that we conduct or promote via our services;
  • specific third parties authorised by you to receive information held by us;
  • the police, any relevant authority or enforcement body, or your Internet Service Provider or network administrator, for example, if we have reason to suspect that you have committed a breach of any of our terms and conditions, or have otherwise been engaged in any unlawful activity, and we reasonably believe that disclosure is necessary;
  • as required or permitted by any law (including the Privacy Act).

If you do not want us to tell you about products or services, phone 1800 985 502 or contact us to withdraw your consent.

We may disclose information to recipients (including service providers and our related entities) which are (1) located outside Australia and/or (2) not established in or do not carry on business in Australia.

6   Our Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy available here and contains information about:

  • the circumstances in which we may collect personal information from other sources (including from a third party);
  • how to access personal information and seek correction of personal information; and
  • how you can raise concerns that we have breached the Privacy Act or an applicable code and how we will deal with those matters.

7   Collecting sensitive information

We will not collect sensitive information about you, such as information about your health, without your consent.

8   Personal information you provide about someone else

If you give us personal information about someone else, please show them a copy of this notice so that they may understand the manner in which their personal information may be used or disclosed by us in connection with your dealings with us.