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How long does Malcolm Turnbull have left?

How long does Malcolm Turnbull have left?

Charlie LewisJul 11, 2017

Political columnists have started to predict the "terminal stage" of the Turnbull government. Based on past experience, how long does his leadership have left?

Going home: risky national security push comes from Turnbull's weakness

Going home: risky national security push comes from Turnbull's weakness

Bernard KeaneJul 11, 2017

The prime minister has allowed his weakness within his own party to influence his approach to national security, and there are big risks arising from that.

Is Andrew Bolt right? Would 12 random Victorians be too biased to judge Pell's fate?

Is Andrew Bolt right? Would 12 random Victorians be too biased to judge Pell's fate?

Michael BradleyJul 11, 2017

Among many other things, Magna Carta enshrined the human right to trial by one’s peers. But is this 800-year-old relic still relevant in today's wi-fi-enabled world?

Memo to Sarah Hanson-Young: questioning your taxpayer-funded holiday is not oppression

Memo to Sarah Hanson-Young: questioning your taxpayer-funded holiday is not oppression

Helen RazerJul 11, 2017

Sarah Hanson-Young has bridled at the "old white men" who dare to question her taxpayer-funded trip to the Great Australian Bight. To Hanson-Young, as to many on the faux left, the political is not merely personal, it is entirely narcissistic.

Turnbull needs to get marriage equality off the agenda

Turnbull needs to get marriage equality off the agenda

Bernard KeaneJul 10, 201723 Comments

Malcolm Turnbull needs to shut down the marriage equality issue and convince voters he's focused on the economy. His opponents don't want him to.

The Rosie Batty effect: a recent timeline of Australia's response to domestic violence

The Rosie Batty effect: a recent timeline of Australia's response to domestic violence

Sophie WenderothJul 10, 20173 Comments

Crikey intern Sophie Wenderoth compiles a list of some of the major initiatives taken by state and territory governments since February 2014 in the family and domestic violence area.

On the anniversary of an activist's murder, Cambodia prepares for a showdown

On the anniversary of an activist's murder, Cambodia prepares for a showdown

Professor Damien KingsburyJul 10, 20171 Comment

Can Hun Sen finally be ousted from Cambodia?

G20 heads in the sand on the big global issue: wage stagnation

G20 heads in the sand on the big global issue: wage stagnation

Glenn Dyer and Bernard KeaneJul 10, 201714 Comments

The G20 ignored the single biggest economic and political issue across the developed world - persistent wage stagnation. But voters won't put up with it, write Glenn Dyer and Bernard Keane.

The laws 'protecting' migrant workers all but guarantee they will be exploited

The laws 'protecting' migrant workers all but guarantee they will be exploited

Charlie LewisJul 10, 20174 Comments

And surprise, surprise, the Department of Immigration hasn't made things any easier for them.

If Al Jazeera closes, we all lose

If Al Jazeera closes, we all lose

Christopher WarrenJul 10, 201711 Comments

We will all know less about the world and hear only more Western-centric news if Al Jazeera is forced to close, writes journalist and media-watcher Christopher Warren.


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