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Trump retreats from airplane laptop ban, not that you'd read about it

Trump retreats from airplane laptop ban, not that you'd read about it

Ben SandilandsJun 30, 20171 Comment

The original bans, enacted late in March, claimed there was an imminent risk of micro amounts of explosive material being carried on board flights in the likes of iPhones and popular tablets.

Razer: apparently 'the world' hates Trump. Well big fucking whoop.

Razer: apparently 'the world' hates Trump. Well big fucking whoop.

Helen RazerJun 29, 20173 Comments

Bad news for the liberal media: international power relations are not formed on the basis of people’s bad feeling.

A history of Donald Trump's 'don't call it a Muslim ban'

A history of Donald Trump's 'don't call it a Muslim ban'

Will HoganJun 28, 2017

The legality of Donald Trump's travel ban will be heard in the Supreme Court in October, with a modified version in place until then. But how did we get this far? Crikey intern Will Hogan traces the very circuitous road to a Muslim ban.

After Grenfell: are 'towers' even the best design for public housing blocks?

After Grenfell: are 'towers' even the best design for public housing blocks?

Alan DaviesJun 22, 2017

There is a dystopian stereotype about public housing that is remarkably common, which involves putting the blame put on all those damn high-rise towers.

How Trump destroyed America's claims to 'exceptionalism'

How Trump destroyed America's claims to 'exceptionalism'

Bernadette AnviaJun 19, 201714 Comments

For the first time in a long time, we are seeing an unexceptional nation that failed to show leadership when leadership was needed most, writes freelance journalist Bernadette Anvia.

Comey brings the sleaze, but will it be enough?

Comey brings the sleaze, but will it be enough?

Hannah Ryan and Max ChalmersJun 9, 20178 Comments

The James Comey testimony is must-watch TV in the United States, with that infamous "pee tape" front and centre. But will it be enough to bring down Donald Trump? Hannah Ryan and Max Chalmers report.

James Comey: former FBI director, whistleblower, hypocrite

James Comey: former FBI director, whistleblower, hypocrite

Bernard KeaneJun 9, 20177 Comments

James Comey's decision to leak against Donald Trump typifies the hypocrisy of the intelligence establishment about official and unofficial leaks.

Former top spy slams Trump: Watergate 'pales' next to Russian scandal

Former top spy slams Trump: Watergate 'pales' next to Russian scandal

Bernard KeaneJun 7, 20174 Comments

The former Director of National Intelligence has unloaded on Donald Trump in a speech in Australia, warning he is risking irrevocable damage to institutions.

LEAKED: embarrassing tweets from Trump's 'drafts' folder

LEAKED: embarrassing tweets from Trump's 'drafts' folder

CrikeyJun 7, 2017

It's shocking to think the President sometimes re-reads his tweets before hitting send.

McCain’s frozen peace: why the media swooned for a Republican’s cliched US exceptionalism

McCain’s frozen peace: why the media swooned for a Republican’s cliched US exceptionalism

Helen RazerJun 1, 20179 Comments

McCain's rhetoric leant heavily on the idea of the "bully". “Bullying” has come, rather craftily, to signify anything one doesn’t like, from the stuff I write in Crikey to the PRC’s economic growth, writes Helen Razer.


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