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Our politicians and media are in denial about the cause of terrorism

Our politicians and media are in denial about the cause of terrorism

John MenadueJun 6, 201710 Comments

Our media never stops to ask how all of this terrorism started in the first place. The overwhelming evidence is clear: the invasion of Iraq in 2003, writes former head of Prime Minister and Cabinet John Menadue.

'The situation feels hopeless': 50 years of Israeli occupation

'The situation feels hopeless': 50 years of Israeli occupation

Antony LoewensteinJun 6, 20176 Comments

Palestinians remain under an Israeli regime of house demolitions, ever-expanding illegal settlements and strict controls over daily life, writes freelance journalist Antony Loewenstein.

Theresa May's call to 'regulate the internet' is a fantasy world of insecure security

Theresa May's call to 'regulate the internet' is a fantasy world of insecure security

Bernard KeaneJun 5, 201717 Comments

Predictable calls for access to encrypted communications make us less safe, and are a cover for the security failures of authorities.

Rundle: seven people killed, and it took just 18 hours for the politics to start again

Rundle: seven people killed, and it took just 18 hours for the politics to start again

Guy RundleJun 5, 201713 Comments

Prime Minister Theresa May made a statement saying that "enough was enough" in terms of Muslim extremism. Shortly after, Jeremy Corbyn made a speech that broke the electoral "truce".

Sensible but firm: Turnbull finally takes stand against Chinese aggression

Sensible but firm: Turnbull finally takes stand against Chinese aggression

Michael SainsburyJun 5, 20178 Comments

In fact, he actually took the fight to China, in terms of regional security, while rightly noting that Australia does not have to “choose” between China and the United States.

Rundle: Corbyn couldn’t, could he? I mean, what if ... no. But then, maybe?

Rundle: Corbyn couldn’t, could he? I mean, what if ... no. But then, maybe?

Guy RundleJun 2, 201733 Comments

UK pollsters in the centre of the movement have remained sceptical about the scale of the poll shift toward Corbyn's Labour, but it is unmistakable.

Poll Bludger: do the young love Corbyn enough to actually vote?

Poll Bludger: do the young love Corbyn enough to actually vote?

William BoweJun 2, 20175 Comments

The latest polls actually have Labour within cooee of the Tories, thanks to a huge surge in support among young people for Jeremy Corbyn's party. But will the young actually turn out and vote?

'Tough-talking' Trump's new-found sycophancy to Saudi Arabia is hypocritical and pathetic

'Tough-talking' Trump's new-found sycophancy to Saudi Arabia is hypocritical and pathetic

Peter RodgersJun 1, 20174 Comments

Does this man know anything about history, including his own? Former Australian ambassador to Israel Peter Rodgers wonders at Trump's breathtaking ignorance.

McCain’s frozen peace: why the media swooned for a Republican’s cliched US exceptionalism

McCain’s frozen peace: why the media swooned for a Republican’s cliched US exceptionalism

Helen RazerJun 1, 20179 Comments

McCain's rhetoric leant heavily on the idea of the "bully". “Bullying” has come, rather craftily, to signify anything one doesn’t like, from the stuff I write in Crikey to the PRC’s economic growth, writes Helen Razer.

Rundle: a sign reads ‘hustings this way’, God help me

Guy RundleMay 31, 201711 Comments

Long story short, Conservative Charlie Elphicke has a field day.

https://www.crikey.com.au/2017/05/31/rundle-on-the-hustings-in-dover-3-weeks-from-uk-election-day/ == https://www.crikey.com.au/free-trial/==https://www.crikey.com.au/subscribe/

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