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Turnbull needs to get marriage equality off the agenda

Turnbull needs to get marriage equality off the agenda

Bernard KeaneJul 10, 201720 Comments

Malcolm Turnbull needs to shut down the marriage equality issue and convince voters he's focused on the economy. His opponents don't want him to.

G20 heads in the sand on the big global issue: wage stagnation

G20 heads in the sand on the big global issue: wage stagnation

Glenn Dyer and Bernard KeaneJul 10, 201710 Comments

The G20 ignored the single biggest economic and political issue across the developed world - persistent wage stagnation. But voters won't put up with it, write Glenn Dyer and Bernard Keane.

The laws 'protecting' migrant workers all but guarantee they will be exploited

The laws 'protecting' migrant workers all but guarantee they will be exploited

Charlie LewisJul 10, 20174 Comments

And surprise, surprise, the Department of Immigration hasn't made things any easier for them.

Labor looks for revenge in Gillespie High Court challenge

Labor looks for revenge in Gillespie High Court challenge

Josh TaylorJul 7, 20178 Comments

The decision to challenge National MP David Gillespie's eligibility to sit in Parliament is the same sort of tactic Tony Abbott used against Labor. What goes around, comes around.

Turnbull and the challenge of providing least-worst leadership

Turnbull and the challenge of providing least-worst leadership

Bernard KeaneJul 7, 201731 Comments

Malcolm Turnbull has been given a dud hand as Prime Minister but it's the only one he's got and he's making the best -- or the least worst -- of it.

The ex-PM who shall not be named: how to avoid the words 'Tony Abbott'

The ex-PM who shall not be named: how to avoid the words 'Tony Abbott'

CrikeyJul 7, 20178 Comments

Coalition ministers have been at pains to avoid naming the former Howard government health minister whose name rhymes with Bony Rabbit, as this piece republished from The Fair Go attests.

Abbott is Bill Shorten's new best headkicker

Abbott is Bill Shorten's new best headkicker

Bernard KeaneJul 6, 201729 Comments

Tony Abbott is attacking the government using Bill Shorten's own attack lines. With Shorten on leave, it's almost as though Abbott is doing his job for him.

LEAKED: Alan Tudge's secret emails on Medicare data breach

LEAKED: Alan Tudge's secret emails on Medicare data breach

CrikeyJul 6, 20174 Comments

Leaking of citizens' private information is solely the responsibility of the department and the relevant minister.

EXCLUSIVE: Prime Minister talks exclusively to Crikey in this exclusive on The Cyber

EXCLUSIVE: Prime Minister talks exclusively to Crikey in this exclusive on The Cyber

Bernard KeaneJul 5, 201711 Comments

It's time for a dose of reality on cybersecurity ...

How a criminal on the 'dark web' likely got hold of your Medicare number

How a criminal on the 'dark web' likely got hold of your Medicare number

Josh TaylorJul 5, 20176 Comments

Medicare breach wasn't a cyber attack but "traditional criminal activity", according to Human Services Minister Alan Tudge.


https://www.crikey.com.au/2017/07/05/tudge-claims-medicare-breach-traditional-criminal-activity-rather-hack/ == https://www.crikey.com.au/free-trial/==https://www.crikey.com.au/subscribe/

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