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Mayne: what are the backgrounds of ASX100 chairs?

Mayne: what are the backgrounds of ASX100 chairs?

Stephen MayneJun 2, 20171 Comment

How many chairs of ASX100 companies were previously CEOs of public companies?

Media execs gather in Canberra for a government love-in

Media execs gather in Canberra for a government love-in

Josh TaylorJun 1, 20174 Comments

CEOs from 25 Australian radio, TV, and newspaper companies have lobbied the Parliament to pass media reforms they say will ensure their survival.

Cap in hand in Canberra: how Australian media execs do business

Cap in hand in Canberra: how Australian media execs do business

Bernard Keane and Glenn DyerMay 31, 20173 Comments

The first instinct of Australia's biggest businesses isn't to innovate but to go to Canberra to demand help, Bernard Keane and Glenn Dyer write.

Bosses rip off workers because they can -- it's not like the FWO will stop them

Bosses rip off workers because they can -- it's not like the FWO will stop them

Robert CorrMay 31, 20178 Comments

A recidivist business can rip off workers for years without fear of ever being brought up on criminal charges, writes former CDPP prosecutor Robert Corr.

Is Channel Ten's miraculous share price recovery a dead cat bounce?

Is Channel Ten's miraculous share price recovery a dead cat bounce?

Glenn DyerMay 30, 2017

If there is another big price rise (or fall), perhaps a suspension might be considered by the ASX to concentrate the minds around the Ten boardroom table.

If the economy slows, responsibility will lie in boardrooms, not cabinet

If the economy slows, responsibility will lie in boardrooms, not cabinet

Bernard KeaneMay 26, 201719 Comments

An economic slowdown will be the result of the business community's relentless campaign against wages growth.

LEAKED: Qantas responds to Margaret Court's gay marriage-related boycott

LEAKED: Qantas responds to Margaret Court's gay marriage-related boycott

CrikeyMay 26, 201716 Comments

Qantas is prepared to go to great lengths to appease Court.

Mayne: managing 'The Cat' at Fairfax and directors who just won't go after a takeover

Mayne: managing 'The Cat' at Fairfax and directors who just won't go after a takeover

Stephen MayneMay 25, 2017

How should Domain CEO Antony Catalano and other senior Fairfax executives behave now the company has agreed to open its books to TPG?

Government stumbles on banking levy, while banks give standard complaints

Bernard Keane and Glenn DyerMay 23, 20174 Comments

The government initially claimed the bank levy would help financial competition. That rationale has vanished amid questions over how much the levy will actually raise, Bernard Keane and Glenn Dyer write.

Want to know who will pay for the bank levy? (Hint: it's YOU)

Want to know who will pay for the bank levy? (Hint: it's YOU)

Glenn DyerMay 22, 20177 Comments

Banks expect that the government's new bank levy will be a tax write-off, which will reduce the overall impact on the banks by around one-third.

https://www.crikey.com.au/2017/05/22/taxpayers-will-help-banks-pay-for-levy/ == https://www.crikey.com.au/free-trial/==https://www.crikey.com.au/subscribe/

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